
Waiting for VW to update their GTI/R with buttons instead of the haptic ones. 

Why was this time the time that did him in, he was always like this.

It’s the first production vehicle to pair a naturally aspirated V8 engine with electric all-wheel drive.

Apple only I presume, not on the Play Store.

I played GTAV on my 360, still blows my mind its still going.

They got scared because the stock almost dipped below $100 this week

They had that at my university, only soda I would get.

Having left Philly for DC, DC traffic is worse.

Can you watch the whole things? I tried to see how long Blood Harvest went and it started looping after ten minutes or so

It is listed at 1k downloads on the Google Play Store, how did anyone hear of it lol

I feel like if you are moving something like that you need to coordinate with the railroad if a crossing is unavoidable.

Coming home for Easter from college I took Amtrak from DC to Philly. It turned out Vice President Biden was going to be on the train so the secret service had to inspect the whole train. This led to us leaving an hour late. This caused us to leave in a snow/ice storm. By the time we got to Baltimore it was really

The first night I played we would regularly run into players around the map. Now I only run into them at extract sites. It makes most of the match pretty dull.

I miss scrapple when I travel

I have that ebleskiver cookbook, got it as a gift and have yet to open it. 

What makes this time any worse than the others?

The first car game I had for the PS2 name escapes me, but you could make cars longer or shorter to get more top end speed or handling.

Could do a X File like structure, it could be great 

Its almost been ten years, do we have any updates on Michael?