
They haven’t released a game in five years, how much money does Destiny bring in?

Whoever greenlight the first trailer without classic Halo music should be fired.

Having a separate key for the door and ignition and possibly the glovebox. 

How heavy is this thing now?

Do you people eat the lemonade and iced tea powder too?

That’s a mile in about 14 seconds, crazy. Good way to get atomized.

Half my life the servers were up. That game was special. 

If its never registered it can be sold as new. Its how dealers sell loaners as new.

No love for trains?

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2. I still boot up my PS2 and play it to this day.

Three player squads is too few

Anything that gets less then 20mpg, there are enough solid ways to improve efficiency that there is no excuse for things getting anything less. 

There is a caboose hotel in Lancaster PA, they do not have AC so be warned.

I looked at a white 22 GTI SE with tartan seats, I couldn’t justify paying 40k for it. I paid like 26k with tax for my 2014 GTI.

Make freight trams great again

This happened to me this summer at a Wendys along 95 in MD. Went in ordered and sat there for 45 minutes as they prioritized the drive through. They gave me a bunch of free cookies for the inconvenience at least.

I don’t know of Bad Bunny lol

Class war in car form 

I love my GTI and its plaid seats. No girl has ever liked them.

If they overturn this it will fuck them at the midterms