Half doors are the best part
Half doors are the best part
Kids can carry the virus and kill their parents and grandparents at home. Its not kids dying from the virus that is the worry, it’s that they will spread it everywhere.
I hate to play devils advocate but shit like this goes on all the time and has forever in international politics. You get other people to fuck up your enemy/rival so you don’t have to do it yourself. We still sold grain to the Soviets throughout the whole Cold War as they aided in the deaths of tens of thousands of…
In the largest predominantly black county in Kentucky home to 750,000 people and about 600,000 voters there is only one polling station. This is just their test run to steal the election in November.
“The Moorish people were dark-skinned Muslims who took ownership of what was then the Spanish Netherlands for around 700 years”
The 340 is 10k more expensive, you tend to get more for your money.
My favorite franchise ever
Can we have fast sedans that aren’t bone shattering stiff? (I feel old writing that.)
Good, the map was not designed for people to not be able to drop in from above and pose a threat. Several times I tried the new mode a team would grab every helicopter and go on top of the stadium and be safe for most of the game.
Arguably JFK is remembered much much more favorably since he was assassinated, he really was pretty bad. Sent us to Vietnam knowing there was no way to win, letting the CIA run rampant around the world doing all kinds of horrible things in the name of fighting communism, he pretty much went from one international…
I haven’t been in for years but was wondering what they did with all the Bill Cosby stuff?
In college I almost cut a finger off opening a can of Chief Boyardee, blood and tomato sauce went flying everywhere, it looked like a bomb went off. My roommates were not entertained.
Mazda wants to be the new Genesis cool. How is it working out for Hyundai?
Nothing in my neighborhood but down the street from me on my way to middle school lived Bob Holbert. He and his family had many amazing cars to look at over the years.
Please never use this format again, we get you want add revenue but this is one of the most annoying ways of getting it.
You should always hear out the case. I have also seen people saying that she has posted pro Putin content on her social media over the years. That is not a good look with Russia trying to destabilize us and everything. (If anyone can verify that it would be nice.)
I rebought NFSHP2 new on Amazon with prime delivery last year for $20 which seems amazing. The game still has my favorite soundtrack ever.
If every winter stays like this one by me I will no longer need snow tires.
You guys are late getting the new car news out today, I always get Deadspin flashbacks when this happens.