
The U-583 Sank in 1941, so check your sources on that. 

I mean the AFC East has been God awful for all those 19 years so that goes a long way. 

What is the weight penalty vs the standard turbo?

What the hell is 408p resolution. 

They have literally only sold about a thousand of these things, I'm not sure yellow is gonna bring them into the black.

I got the Stelvio over the F Pace due to Alfa being reasonable for a “different” brand. 

Two of my friends whose families had been from Wisconsin went back there for college and one of them stayed there afterwards. I don’t understand why anyone would want to move into that cheese infested frozen wasteland. Even before it was cheese infested what settler coming into North America was like you know were I

Jag also needs competitive lease rates to find any room to grow in the market. Their rates are so much higher than their competitors.

Philadelphia: soft pretzels.

I grew up with bikes with gears and never learned how to properly use them. 

I wish more people supported buybacks. It would be nice to live in a nation and not be outnumbered by guns.

Why can’t we just have simple common sense gun laws like the banning of .223 assault rifle ammo and the like. The military adopted it so solders could carry lots of deadly lightweight rounds, it turns out it also makes it great for mass shootings. 

We don’t need mandatory conscription because we have two massive oceans that keep us safe. No one is coming here.

That was a great game, I’m an Eagles fan and watched that with my then college roommate from Detroit. We didn’t heckle each other only watched in amazement as blizzard games are incredible. We got so drunk on Bud Light Platinums that I don’t even remember us coming back to win.   

Beautiful is a word not associated with most Ferrari. Striking or capable is more like it.

The title of Holy Roman Empress held no power so if you outlived your husband you would be replaced by the next elected emperor.

No shit: The Southern Strategy created the modern Republican party.

Niche memorable cars do not sell, its what they need less of. They need competitive main line products.

I was looking at the new 911 and found out that the Carrera S with all the tech is pretty much as expensive as leftover or slightly used Aston DB11. I have been a Porsche guy my whole life but do not think I could pass up the Aston if they are the same price, especially for a Carrera S.