
I’d say most WWII games do lessen what the real solders did. Well the Soviets and Chinese, video games do not do them justice. The Soviets inflicted 80% of casualties to the Germans and almost all of the Japanese army was in China during the war but almost no games cover them. Every game has D-Day and the Americans

Fox basically said fuck it after America failed to get in so they only bothered to send a handful of announcers to Russia. The rest will just do it from their American studios.

What is the point of manufactures giving us 2K screens if our providers only let us use 720p? I was using the old grandfathered in Verizon unlimited plan until this past fall. Over time they took away hotspots, took away HD video streaming which was why I left. They offered it to you back for $20 more a month on top

Why did it take so long to come to market?

They sell the C Wagon in Canada. Why can’t they sell it here?

Can’t ever be too sure.

Was that an actual Porsche of just a RUF?

After moving from Philly to DC six years ago I still think near all DC sports fans bar the Skins are just bandwagoning. Almost no one is from DC which is a big reason I think this. When these teams were bad you could buy tickets or unbelievably cheaply and now that they are good Chinatown gets flooded. True long time

And the new Touareg looks so nice.


I was telling this to a co-worker. This would make 45 so mad it would be so amazing to see what his little hands come up with.

Went even bigger in WWII. When in doubt send 800mm shells at something.

Bomb shelters only worked in the time of nuclear armed bombers when you would have hours notice that they were coming. Having less than 30 min to react to an ICBM/SLBM makes most people unable to get to one. Plus who would want to live through one anyway?

Its a typo. I just visited their website and the largest home is only 5,700sf.

Is there no article here and just the comment section or is the website broken?

Late, this was news a while ago.

One of my old college buddies is both a Caps fan and a Celtics fan and refues to believe he is bandwagoning. I don’t think I can bare it if these teams win.

It won’t matter, even if the worst happens Pence will pardon him.

Its about as strong as some Triple and Quad Belgians people are bringing places now. Its only bad if you don’t realize what you are drinking.

On Iran it worked like this: Obama did the deal so it was already on 45's undo list. Israel knowing how to exploit 45 knowing he has not done his homework shows the international community findings that everyone already knew about. At least if they had done their homework which they knew 45 did not. Headlines then say