
My sample size was two fine-ass titties and believe me, that's quite a sample.

It's actually not that surprising. Most women are basically the same. Three kinds tops is you want to count them finely. You've got your good ones, your crazies and your bores. There's a bit of crossover but if you start every interaction by putting a woman into one of those three boxes you're on your way.

There's more to me than that. Sure - I'm a dick. An incredibly hard, one man fondant-factory with free babies for every new rider. But I'm also a thinker. A poet, a writer, a doctor, a nuclear physicist and a theoretical philosopher. But above all, I am a man, a hopelessly inquisitive man.

It was intentional. Tough love.

Women who don't breastfeed are essentially saying that were they unable to find help and were living over a hundred years ago they'd leave their kids to wither.

You've convinced me. Damn you're clever.

You got me. It's my 'favorite department'.

The mythical 'Health and Safety'. One big organization populated entirely by idiots. Got it.

It's funny how these bullshit stories are recounted by people who didn't loose four fingers in a lathe, or die during childhood when their plastic PJ's spontaneously combusted when they came into contact with a sparkler.

Don't get married again. You've swung from dumb at 28 to infantile at wherever you are now. Grow up. Seriously - I'm being kind. Grow up and get married like a grown-up to a grown-up.

These people are the parents who made the kids who are doing most of the cheerleading in this thread.

You're out of your mind.