This seems like an odd answer to me. Sure stainless steel does not take paint well but if you just want to make it non reflecting then brushed satin finish is the way to go.
This seems like an odd answer to me. Sure stainless steel does not take paint well but if you just want to make it non reflecting then brushed satin finish is the way to go.
Yeah, how could a white woman possibly ever get the benefit of the doubt over a black man in family court? In America??? I don’t buy it...
She’s stunningly bad, on so many levels, but it’s certainly possible that the worst thing about Durven Dawes’ lawyers was their client.
She’s out to fuck black people in every way imaginable.
How the fuck do you lose custody to this nasty ass bitch? Like how shitacular was your lawyer?
Then maybe don’t publish an article until you can verify the tax amounts? It seems really irresponsible to write an article that’s just “person makes bold claim!” It’s like publishing an article “Trump says millions of votes were fraudulent” with no follow up (yes I know plenty of outlets did that, but it was bad)
Oh my god this math makes me freaking angry. None of this is how that works. All of the money paid to charity, all of the money paid to moderators, all of that gets deducted from taxes (NOT from net profits). If he is paying 75k to mods, and donating 80k to charity, then that means that his taxable income isn’t 300k,…
So it drew a dick, then got stuck in the mouth of the Suez and there aren’t enough seamen with enough thrust to push it out. And the longer it’s in there, the more screwed we are...
Oh, okay, he only stole a $120k car. Totally normal!
“If you bring me the car I'll give you $3K." - Man with $5000 deductible.
And this is why guys who get all squirmy and scared whenever the topic of #MeToo comes up should always be suspect.
Thomas Middleditch is what you’d get if you asked someone to draw a caricature of a white man running a pick-up artist seminar at a gaming convention.
The link is right there.
Are you guys getting paid to shill for these “contests”, where the main goal is for the company to collect personal information? It seems like these are posted like once a week now. I’d love for there to be someone who has actually won one of these things to step forward and talk about their experience.
Of all people Sharon Osborne, wife of Ozzy Fucking Osborne, parent to two children who have a very rough time with the media, I would think she would understand the media attacking someone unfairly. Friend or no friend....if she can’t see that Piers Morgan quite clearly has a very vile, vindictive agenda when it…
Considering how long it took for 3.0 to get released in America, I could probably pirate this one, serve my prison sentence, and still get out before the English version releases here.
WTF are they investigating? She said all this shit on air.
That is a remarkably stupid idea.
“The experience soured her on Chrysler products” They did her a favor with this generation Chrysler.
How does a solar installation require a bigger pole transformer? You’re taking less power, not more. Or even potentially selling some back to the utility where that’s supported.