What’s the long strip of red in the middle of the rear ‘hatch’?
He just ruled on the Austin Watson NHL case, too. Busy week, apparently.
Negative reviews from people with >1 hour or more than a dozen hours should be taken with a big chunk of salt unless they can explain why they played for so long.
Well, the direct drive wheels can break wrists if you crash, so there’s that.
I’d expect most pro sim drivers to be using OSW or direct drive motors for their steering wheels. And they can be strong enough to break wrists if the sim racer crashes.
It seems you are correct! I think I misunderstood what ‘concentrates’ were and when I went to the OCS site they likely didn’t have any available at them time.
Have you been to Montreal?
Edibles and oils are still illegal in Canada. Apparently they’re supposed to be legalized next year.
I’d argue a bit. I knew about it when I was young (thanks dad!), but there was also a Yenko Camaro ‘star’ in 2 Fast 2 Furious and that had a young audience demographic.
A chance to recover from being knocked out? He’d soak a lot of punishment in the 10 seconds before he woke up and then he’d be in a really, really bad position.
Something like this Camaro might matter a little bit. It’s a desirable collectible to some people (note: an 86/87 Iroc has been my ‘realistic’ dream car for nearly 2 decades).
That’s Dwayne Johnson, not Duane.
“Love” comes from the french “L’oeuf” (The egg).
Why are these people investing their life savings in one basket?
$50 buys a lot of free pizza, though.
It’s a little strange to me that you already know that your price is for something like that.
Can confirm. I geeked out a bit last week when I saw one on the road!
I don’t think I’d be upset if my father spent my inheritance on something like this.
Maybe that organizer really wanted YOU there.