
I'm still not feeling this team this year, and the fact that Rodgers is the most inaccurate QB so far doesn't exactly help. That being said, the dumpster fire that is the rest of the league means that we're getting a Wild Card, so that's nice.

In this weeks New Zealand Broadcassting Update, we have a mixed bag. In good news, we get the great Atlanta/Seattle game, and we aren't seeing the Sunday Night game get preempted for the fucking debate. In bad new however, the Sunday Night game is Houston/Indianapolis. Furthermore, we get to start with Buffalo/SF.

Dank OG Bud is the best line in the game. That's all I have to say.

Well on the flipside, the GOP is defending their 2010 pickups, so much of that territory should be fairly easy. For example, Marco Rubio should be an easy defeat this year (unfortunately it's not because the Democrats couldn't get a good candidate there). That being said, Wisconsin and Illinois are basically picked up.

Well for starters, I live in New Zealand, so that dance stuff might as well not of existed (we had a solid rap scene, but that fell off quite quickly).

Media sends more time going after sexual predator instead of sane person, how sad!

To be fair, most music was neutered and was badly corporatised that decade. Seriously, that whole decade was basically the nineties, but with all of the interesting territory already covered.

That's because adult alternative acts should never collaborate. It doesn't prevent good music, it's just a genre that does not mix well.

Wait, am I not supposed to like One Republic? Sure, they sucked back in the day, but that was at peak aughts Timbaland. Now that they're out of that shadow, they've become much better (especially Counting Stars, that's my jam)

You mean the best thing that TNA has ever done?

Please let this work. Season 1 of UnREAL was (and still is) a fucking revelation, and Season 2 was a complete dud. I really want to like this show again, as I've still never seen anything like this show when it was firing at full cylinders.

Hate to burst your bubble, but it looks like we've got a broken Gronk this year.

In this New Zealand broadcasting update; this week, we're getting Bears/Colts, and Bills/Rams. No Sunday Night Football though, because TVNZ has instead decided to air the second US Presidential debate. Who did I piss off in another life?

By the way, as someone who watched the Wikileaks thing yesterday for some reason, that was a bunch of nothing. The only good part of it was the Alt-Right maniacs losing their mind when they caught up with the rest of us and realised that Assange has nothing.

Are we talking about McLaren-Honda? If so, then they finally seem to have that engine ready for primetime, and next season is going to be a blast.

But we've had love-hate relationship for years. Why not just stick with what works?

Delete your account.

Well Cam isn't facing that stupid Vikings D this week, so I feel much better about my chances this week.

Just assume that Mike McCarthey is fucking up the clock management. It's the safe bet.

I just saw that. While it's no "The Pagano", it's something else alright.