
Well I'm not sure if I'm completely pro-cat. After all, they kill birds, and in my experience are useless at killing mice. Then again, I'm in New Zealand, and keeping Native Birds alive is a big deal.

I mean, upmarket Buzzfeed (Vox) didn't go anywhere.

I got traffic updates for Bozeman, MT. I live in New Zealand.

Sasha's the one that most annoys me, with her being so reliant on high flying moves. I keep expecting her to get seriously injured when her hair ends up in the wrong spot after doing some flip or something.

The fact that the whole Deflategate debacle is probably one of the most banal debacles of his tenure really says something.

I have a suspicion that heel Bayley is going to be one of those things that works far too well, and we'll all wonder why we put up with face Bayley for as long as we did.

I'm still annoyed far too much that the tag belts say tag team champions, not tag team champion. There are two belts for a reason, and one guy isn't the entire tag team.

To be fair, Roger Goodell probably wouldn't poll well at most training camps.

If you told me this time last year that not only would AJ be in the WWE, but would probably be the fourth of fifth biggest that guy that they have, I would have laughed you out of the room (while looking forward to his next match with Nakamura). The fact that he's this big and this over is astounding.

Here's the moment for context

Charter Schools are a bandage on the problem that is the funding of schools, at least from my perspective of a Kiwi. Looking at your system, the fact that schools are funded at the district level just seems like the real problem; as it creates a system of haves and have-nots, and creates a bunch of small pools of

Wrong brain-dead moron.

Jezebel's bullshit didn't piss off a vindictive billionaire, so they live.

If we're talking about nice Olympics stories, may I recommend the Fiji Sevens team winning the country its first medal (which was gold).

It's worth noting that this is not made by Telltale, they're just publishing it. Night School (maker of Oxenfree) actually made this.

The overwhelming bulk of them have settled down and accepted the current order (which Brexit may put back up in the air). It just so happens that there's still a bunch of assholes that still want to go. They now make up a good chunk of the Irish criminal class.

It also let The Wire and The X-Files exist in the same universe.

And there really isn't that much change between rosters in most sports leagues annually (and these games usually let you have custom rosters anyway). Some people like getting one disk that has everything as up to date as it will be.

It's an annual sports game. For some people, getting their annual roster update is tantamount (even though the WWE just made a massive change that will not be on display in this game).

The thing that we need to remember is that basically every single former Colony as a horrifying track record when it comes to race-relations in the past.