
OK then, pretzels. That way, they can eat food that's twisted up, and unable to fuck.

Couldn't they just get around that by offering free peanuts or something?

Utah's weird.

I guess that Scooby Doo and the Wrestlemaia Mystery wasn't enough.

Fucking Dark Souls man.

It didn't stop him trying to get Vermont and Maine nuclear waste dumped near a poor hispanic community in West Texas.

Gold, the classiest tarnish. Duh.

And after those ten years, they finally got Cena to the point that people actually like him. Sure, it took a large catalog of fantastic matches, a guy that oozes love for wrestling and everything in it, him being a funny and likeable dude, him not being the center of attention anymore, and a long (for him) break, but

I can respect Michael Bay. His films are definitely not for me, but the schizophrenic nature of his films (especially the shot selection) have something that reminds me of of abstract art. His plots however; well that's a story for another day.

It's a fresh one, but 10 Cloverfield Lane. You didn't really need the aliens; you just needed John Goodman being creepy as fuck.

I learned that somebody that I know (and is seventeen) really enjoys CBS procedurals. While I don't pretend to be in the loop on teeneagers, I hope that I'm not that far out of it.

It's an adult animated comedy. Confused stoners are always the target market for those.

It had Ric Flair humping a rock. There's potential there.

I just hated the ending. With the stage and moment being as big as they were; the fact that it ended by Ric Flair doing Ric Flair things just made it feel cheap.

Can we talk about Wrestlemania, because jesus christ that was a trainwreck. Brock/Ambrose had no time to breathe, AJ/Jericho has already been beaten into the ground (and we're getting more), New Day/LON became the old timers ego stroke, the women's triple threat was missing a proper ending, and they think that Reigns

Well, third until it gets stripped.

Well, Syria.

Well what would you expect when out of a company that hitched its wagon to cable TV and Transformers (without any of the merchandise revenue).

I'm talking about the slow-motion car crash that is ESPN. It makes Disney around half of it's money, and it's currently sinking like the Titanic.