
Until you have players play with torn scrotums, it's just safety conscious Rugby.

I'm from New Zealand, so I couldn't give a flying fuck. Now go back to your Rugby for the safety conscious.

Let the proper spellings rain upon your harbours, neighbours, behaviours, splendours, colours, and flavours.

What's wrong with you people, Labour Day is the fourth Monday of October.


I've been out on Raw since the Rumble, and I have one question. Who the fuck let Sting go out without his trenchcoat. While I get their need to sell their shitty t-shirts, you can at least let him wear a trenchcoat over it so he doesn't just look like some dude in facepaint.

Cool. Put my email over on the Steam group so I can do this.

There is zero chance that the label is bribing music sites for positive press. After all, when the music industry wants to get bribey, they don't do it with anywhere near the nuance that this would require. They would just give some guy a big bag of money and tell that person to use the bag to get a whole bunch of

Am I good if I've never been in a fantasy league before? These things seem kind of fun, and I'd be down if that's not a problem. Also, is being in New Zealand a problem?

Speaking as a Kiwi, I can wholeheartedly say that nobody down here gives a flying fuck about the flag, and this whole change it nonsense seems like a large song and dance just to get us to a silver fern flag. I'd also prefer the silver fern flag, as it's clean, simple, and doesn't look like Australia's.

Wait a minute, there's a sitcom with Ryan Reynolds AND Nathan Fillion. Why is this the first that I'm hearing about this?

It's kind of hard to reboot something that saw a release three months ago. Admittedly, it was the Scooby Doo Wrestlemania Mystery, but you did just release that.