
He took on Jerry Falwell ... gotta give him credit for that.

There are 7 stars in the Subaru logo, you just can’t see the seventh due to the vape cloud blocking it.

Taking a vacation after nearly burning to death seems a good choice.

Lewis consistently beats his teammate overall (except 2016).

There is a special exemption from Canadian politeness in Toronto.

And here I was just thinking it was because they didn’t want the Moose tongues to get stuck on the cars...

I really wonder what’s going on at Delta. They’ve been really aggressive about enforcing mask-wearing on their flights even to the point of permanently banning people from flying on their planes and now this. Tossing Karen off the flight is one thing but an upgrade and a “Black Lives Matter” Delta pin? I’m stunned. If

You literally did the exact same thing I did. I bought a $900 Miata, fixed up the Miata suspension and clutch thinking I would turn it into an Exocet. After driving it a bit, decided I can’t do it to this, and started shopping again. Ended up buying a partially complete project Exocet that someone didn’t want to

Ah, the Nintendo sales model.

“Might be time to revisit the problem of the high prevalence of unstable racist a-holes in the military.” - As a non-racist progressive, I did my part by serving in the Navy, thereby (theoretically) taking a potential job from an unstable racist a-hole. You’re welcome! :)

Jezebel/Splinter’s wholesale post-hoc embrace of Warren now that she’s out of the race/Bernie’s way is very Jezebel/Splinter.

I was a Warren stan who voted strategically for Sanders, so I’m obviously on the other end of the messaging/ideology spectrum, and even I get her appeal. She’s a person I could trust to competently and fairly run the country, even if I don’t align with her ideologically. Most of the center or right leaning dems don’t

Do you really find Klobuchar’s appeal inexplicable?

Not exactly... more like a 5.1611 X 10-5 degrees curve if my numbers are right.

“Gravity always wins, motherfucker.”Sir Isaac Newton PRS

...died on Saturday in a tragic accident.

That joke fell flat