
Not to mention that Pratt's pay would be a fraction of RDJ's.

If you can build a functioning wormhole or astromech droid, you ABSOLUTELY deserve to hold that patent.

Yes it was; it was just a different level of canon from the films.

Galaxy Quest.

I disagree, if only because blaming it on Dr. Manhattan lacks the "we all need to unify against our common enemy" power that the alien provided. Dr. Manhattan was a known-to-the-world entity with the power of a god, effectively; how would warring nations join forces against him? Contrast that with a completely unknown

Sorry, but my mental picture of that is of you playing basketball like a baby.

My guess is that Ultron "liberates" the Jarvis program and warps him into The Vision, but he rebukes Ultron because of his affinity for Stark.

Yeah, but that plot was dropped because it wasn't X-TREME enough.

They actually go together quite well. I made my mom sit thru Cabin in the Woods (she hates horror movies, but did enjoy it), and Tucker & Dale was a good palette cleanser for her.

Yeah, but the graphing functions will take a back seat to playing Drug Wars.

Yeah, Marvel's pacing has been stellar. All the phase one threats were very small-scale (Iron Man 1 and 2 was just "crazy guy wants to kill Tony Stark," Incredible Hulk climactic scene was in a single portion of NYC, Thor's action happens in some hodunk town in New Mexico, Captain America's action is the European

Killing Stark would be huge. HUGE. I'd hate to see him go, but damn, that'd certainly work for bringing the fight home for the heroes.

Maria Hill was the only new character introduced in Avengers, but it was also the first time we got to see Hawkeye do anything except have an uncredited cameo (in Thor).

Not sure why you would expect to see something for movies that won't come out until 2016-2019. We're just now seeing stuff for a movie that comes out mid-2015; you have unreasonable expectations.

Matt Smith is playing the T-11.

Thank you! The fact that she spilled something to the press immediately throws up a red flag for Jim to start telling her anything, and that's her own damned fault right there.

I'm enjoying The Flash. It's a refreshing change of pace to see a hero that, despite having a tragic childhood, still seems to genuinely enjoy being a hero. All in all, it's just a more positive show.

It would've been a lot more believable if she'd actually roughed the guy up but he still managed to kick her ass in retaliation. Give him a busted lip and/or a black eye before he gets lucky and catches the bat, or something along those lines.

Yup; right out of the gate, Major Bludd and Bazooka are killed (also, Moscow is destroyed).

I liked Short Round (yay for a kid sidekick that isn't worthless), but I completely agree that Willie was terrible.