Evning Kirk

meh bullshit.
with digital download, i expected the price of games to reach 75% or less of previous box prices.

yet in the end, wad do they do? sell it at the same price and make more profit.
thus, bullshit.

You taste it more than once, to confirm that your findings are consistent and repeatable =p

I think skeumorphism helped the iPhone, it made the Iphone a reminder of the good 80s, I think many ppl went for the iPhone because of this feeling it gave them.

well it depends, if you are the system(lets just refer to it as a black box system) through which money gets laundered. and you help to launder willingly while getting a cut, then you are culpable. if you willingly launder for free, then you are culpable and stupid.

normally, the system used to launder money is not

lol, since when are businesses suppose to care where their clients got their money? XD

Thats bad business sense. if i am not going to sell him, he will just find someone else who will. then what am i suppose to do? feast on my morality?

”G-pad" cumlination of "g-string" and "pad"

i always worry that these tower coolers will slowly pull away from the chip due to gravity. all those structural supports cant guarantee that gap difference between the top half and the bottom half of the contact area will be less then 5 microns.

i know its not this week, its been out for about 2 weeks now, but KOTOR! is out on the ipad.

Oh very much please!

You actually can,

Why waste time and risk patent litigation?

Looks like, they are trying to make an Xbox one with the possibility of using your idevices as a second screen and/or controller.

the problem is i dont have enough of it =[

You know that transparency thing?

heres an experiment, how many times can you use a screenshot of the passlock screen as background wallpaper until all the colours in the background are homogenised.

i have to admit it wasnt the first thing i thought about.
i was thinking about how it was japan, and how japanese visual media loved stories where it all goes south and creates some monster or major disaster.

then i thought abit about how it could go wrong, earthquake came to mind and i realized that is not so out there

is it wise to put it so near to or in a quake zone?
it is 7.8 billion we are talking about here.

its now available to all apps. instead of only selected apps.
also, its now done in a different way, so its closer to true multitasking.

whats wrong with a pc then?

i was bullshitting but maybe this could be a reason?

Airdrop protocols may be tied to some transfer protocols used by the new 8pin connector docks?

It sounds like a hack job if it were true, but its the only difference i see.

Yea, airdrop gets complicated when you have 30 pins to worry about.
see it actually emulates transfer thru the dock connection.