Evning Kirk

In my country, small time neighbourhood gangsters like to beat people up if you just look at them.

Cant believe their actions will now be justified because of Google Glass.
wtf... Thanks glass. you ass.

I vaguely recall a dr who story with similar themes...

How many of those 100000 downloaders reside in a country where guns are BANNED outright!

so i assume the special features of the stylus is app dependant?

Ie. back end codes are needed to make it work?

i really dont need ppl finding out about the condom i keep in my left breast pocket..

If its knot waxed, probably is flimsy =p

Actually thinking about it, why is there a pump in the picture?
Shouldnt the whole system run on convection?

did you not see the tear off stirrer? XD

talk about ball point pen in food,
i am reminded of a friend of mine in school, who had to be rush from an exam because he was so stressed that he bit his pen so bad that he could and did eventually suck the ink out.

Hmm, theres a pump. what powers the pump?
Is there enough energy generated to have leftovers?

This map also looks like a good guage on either the population of the US, or the demographic of cable subscribers

Everytime i see US developing something to take down iran's nuclear something

I secretly hope it is a distraction tactic and the weapon is actually intended for North Korea.

I first read the title as
One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Salmonella


Damn i only know number 2,3 and the last one...

Heres an idea for anyone if its not already patented, i dont think i will be able to research this myself.

Marry Drones and Transport.

Drive your special car, when you want to fly,
summon your drone, which will be located in a public hanger somewhere.
From there, your drone will navigate which ever ATC autonomously, take

How does it affect sites like "amazon us" for global users?

Hmm i mainly play games, and anything less then a full desktop with a minimum of 3 full hd monitors no less then 32 inch in size just does not cut it.

is there a version of this product for me?

I hate the new charms bar, my cursor has no place to, as ppl in our region say "relac one korna(relax in a nice comfortable quiet area, usually next to a 3 point intersection between 2 walls and the floor) when watching a video.

Go to the bottom? SEEK BAR OF THE VIDEO
Go to the right? *twinkle twinkle* CHARMS BAR

Hmm.... does anyone have any idea where this hub is?
i have a... package. Yea that would work, a package, that urgently needs to be delivered to the hub.