Evning Kirk

I like how it looks on the side except for the roof scoop, the silver insets, the hump at the bottom of the side windows, and how the front seems to come to an abrupt stop as if a knife fell perpendicularly to the road at that point.

If the only logical response is to sell, it's going to give a lot of time for news to spread to all relevant parties. What results is a mad rush on Monday. With very little people getting off the boat late and sinking along with it.

5760x1080 is baseline.

Corporates need to learn, announcing it on a Friday doesn't mean the trolling and hating would be less, it's not like trolls and haters take weekends, if anything, it would mean they had more free time to bleed your image; and the people you hired for damage control? Yea they take weekends.

No no grandma, not the google store!

the "X" and the "12" of the "X12 is mismatched =d

too cheap to fork out for a matching "X"?


well i wouldnt be surprised,

Ever since the scrubbing of porno results from its returns,

That's the power of physics!

Its fine.

i wonder if it would cry if i set it to clean the marble floor =p

google ottoman chair.

well its part troll bait and part defiance to that claim.

he has SO~~ much faith in his scientist eh?

wasnt there a carpark that was haunted by richard the smthing?

prince of tennis anyone ? XD

should have said pluto or some other icy planet =p

oh i could use this in monopoly. place this on the board and everything it covers becomes automatically mine!

heh, i am reminded of when a friend told me the most impt phrase you need to know is