Perhaps something like this. Add a rear side window for fun. I’d buy it.
Perhaps something like this. Add a rear side window for fun. I’d buy it.
Not much difference.
I meant, she’s ethnically Malay (I think? It says after her birth in Nagoya she was raised by her parents in Malasia, inferring that her parents are Malay) but nationally Japanese. Traditionally Japan polices ancestry/ethnicity to a high degree so it is refreshing to see them embracing something different.
Lol MMO. 24 max players is not an MMO. Don’t liken this akin to the unknown environment of mid 2000s MMO development, where nobody knew anything. What an intellectually dishonest comparison.
And many of US are tired of $60 games that ship fucking *broke*. You know what never got patched? Super Mario Bros. Either you’re an entitled teen/twentysomething gamer with NO sense of history or you're a Xennial/Xer who has forgotten your roots.
How has this not broken the internet?
He said that like it was a bad thing? If test driving a car feels like masturbation, that car is as good as sold.
Second coolest vehicle called the Aztec I've seen.
Heck, another model on the platform had a name that suggested it was a car one might prefer in town.
OMG. I was already sold, but a duck head that shoots steam at pedestrians, bushes to keep the elephant crap off the tires, and the ability to literally shit like a goose at tailgaters? I want, no I need, all these features installed on my car. Now.
You can have one star.
“American” as a nationality is exclusive to the United States, and there is no other term for that nationality. If you would like to petition for “United Statesian” to become the common parlance, I invite you to do so.
Ah, you must be one of those south or central americans who have the world’s largest stick up their ass because their continent has “america” in it too.
Fine. Then just, “YOUR VEHICLE IS TOO TALL.” That’s plenty short enough given the situation. The point is it needs to be something that sounds specific to one person, and not generic. The current verbiage just seems like generic verbiage that they decided to turn into a flashing sign, but “probably doesn’t apply to me…
I’ve said this a few times, the sign is clearly visible, but the wording is too vague for a driver to realize “Oh, it’s talking about me. I’m the person setting off this sign.”
“Overheight Must Turn” isn’t really good wording, since it’s not immediately clear that it is a specific warning that an overheight vehicle has been detected, as opposed to a general warning.
So it’s an hybrid. It’s not like they magically made a gas engine that is as efficient as a Diesel one.
Yeah. That’s not creepy.
Socks too short and not light pink. Couch back too soft. Mouth not opened to 2/3 the size of the entire face. 0/10. Details!