
Maybe making playing levels free, and putting the creating tools behind the paywall would be the way to go. Or put it on ps+ all free for a month, and then you need to pay to create (but you can still play games for free). The game has probably ran its course as far as profit and sales goes, so boosting the amount of

EXCUSE ME? Cyberpunk has Super Baby 2 face lines. Not the other way around.

It was a great game! I think it had problems reaching the proper level of popularity because some people gave up on it when Kojima decided his team couldn’t do it and outsourced it to Platinum. But they did a fantastic job. It was enough MGS to fit within the universe while being its own thing at the same time, and it

I grew up reading the manga. The anime didn’t appeal to me precisely because of of the filler. Why would I want to watch some random episodes with a dude called Garlic Jr written by someone else? I have no problem with people who love the anime, and I don’t mind the characters showing up in fighting games, but to me

They always jam in tons of easter eggs and references to the source material with their movie characters. While the default design seems to be heavily influenced by First Blood, each character has at least 4 uniques costumes.

First game ending that made me cry. I wish I could experience it again for the first time.

Wait, this totally looks Last-Gen. If you’re gonna remake it, remake it. Or else just remaster it.

Hopefully we find the red reploid to help us get rid of Copy X and bring back peace to Neo Arcadia.

That trailer has Killzone 2 written all over it.

It’s just a cool minimalist design. It’s not made for the mass market. Just for people who want a nifty Uno deck. Calm down.

That’s the exact same nonsensical “in human years” calculation people do with dogs. We don’t know when they reach maturity and how long their in their physical prime. They could be the equivalent of 30 for 700 years before quickly whitering away.

Carlos looks a lot better. The Trunks haircut is dumb in anything but drawings.

I don’t think this scene had to be a secret. I think it was more along the line of they filmed that particular spot during the filming of Captain Marvel and they obviously wouldn’t flew in 4 actors for one specific scene that zooms in on her face.

Nearly choked to death while driving once. Took a bit of a sandwich and breathed while it was in my mouth, and loose piece of egg made it’s way in my lungs. I couldn’t stop half-coughing and my whole body was starting to get a tingling feeling. I then managed to cough it out. Scared me.

Well yeah. The joke was limited to Pong since it’s basically 2 colors. It technically works for other games but it’s not the same thing.

The original reused asset. Unless you count lining up 4 pong balls to make a paddle.

It’s crazy how fun these games are even as adults. And they're simple enough that a young kid can join in without hampering you.

*Cries in Starcraft Ghost*

That's because a lot of people crowdfunding their game have absolutely no idea the amount of work it actually takes.