
I always thought that the show got really good towards the end of season 3. Seasons 4 and 5 will always beat season 1 in my book.

Exactly. Her choice seemed quite similar to Jinkx's last year, with a slightly obscure character that could still be hilarious. Unfortunately, Milk missed both the look and the hilarious part.

That should be the end of every list ever from now on.
My to-do list today:
1. Stop being hung over.
2. Look fierce.
3. Eat sushi.
4. Stop being hung over.
5. Laganja is the worst.

I beg to differ! Sharon was hilarious!

Bahahahaaa, I noticed her chin but didn't make the connection. Like mother, like mess.
This comment made my day! And I honestly look forward to checking the comments section here every tuesday. It's part of the fun with drag race!

If you'd actually read more than half of the first sentence, you'd notice that he writes: "Over four seasons (the first had no Snatch Game)".

God, I'm so fucking over Laganja. I Have zero sympathy for her when she cries. Here's a tip, Ganj: We might have cared more for your breakdowns if you didn't do them every single week!

If not, I'll be very surprised, and very mad! I also think that Adore could be the surprise of this season, making it to the end. If she singes! (I also loved that Bianca is continuing to show humanity and comraderie!)
Also, Joselyn is quickly becoming one of the most consistently and reliably funny queen this year.

I loved that in the tiny glimpse of Gillian on the runway, she made an Alyssa Edwards impression, with the leg and the arm. She really is adorable, and she actually talks about Drag Race and Untucked on a commentary track for Community. She's a real fan.

I really like Bianca as well, but I laughed out loud several times thanks to Dela, so she's officially (OFFICIALLY) my pick for the crown.

Completely agree! I was really excited about Milk before the season started, but it turns out she really doesn't have any range, and (dare I say it) brains to get what the judges are after. Sharon could always adapt and bring her unique style and make it glamorous in her own way, and sadly Milk doesn't seem to get

I think Michelle just wants to critique something, which I'm not really mad at. She likes giving constructive criticism to everyone, so they always have something to work on. That being said, it was ridiculous to complain about her being an older character when she was brilliant as it! Shape up, Michelle!

I called it last week! After watching the preview of the first ten minutes, Ru would have you believe that Dela was in trouble, but I never bought it! She OWNED it. Bianca didn't even come close!

FUTURAMA! That is all.

I don't think anything will top the totem pole for me, but yeah, this got really close! When she started to hammer in that pole or whatever into his eyes I lost it. Too creepy. I loved it!

I actually thought that both Phi Phi and Kenya were far worse than Jiggly. It was truly embarrasing.

I always pick season 4 snatch game (because of Chad), season 5 snatch game (because of Jinkx) or season 5 RuPaul Roast (because of everything. Alaska, Jinkx, the crashing and burning of Roxxxy and Alyssa and the epic double-wig lipsync!) It's a perfect introduction, in my eyes.

Kristen Chenoweth is a goddess, and I actually loved the "wink wink, nudge nudge" about her comment about Defying Gravity.

I really hope Laganja learns to be less annoying, because at this point she really is unbarable! In last night's episode, she actually made me utter an involontary "Sideshow-Bob-stepping-on-a-rake-Urrrrhh"!

Wait, PhiPhi had likability? They both have the wonky lashes, though!
And next week's the singing challenge, so I'm suspecting Gia will give a truly whiny performance and at least get a bit humiliated.