Are you being serious? You’re promoting censorship of speech? People really have lost their goddamn minds.
Are you being serious? You’re promoting censorship of speech? People really have lost their goddamn minds.
I guess free speech really is dead.
Hopefully on March 3rd, all the bitterness and jealousy will be gone and we can just enjoy the Switch. If not, we’ll see you next February at next years Super Bowl. Being a huge Nintendo fan, I thank them for their Switching. ;) Being a huge Patriots fan, I thank TB12 and the team for being amazing as always.
Good God I wish people who said stupid shit like this...
Still not as embarrassing as the Falcon’s loss yesterday.
His commentary made sense to me... o.o
I guess it’s a good thing for Barkley, then, that that argument is impossible to make.
I was all for it, until I read it was going to be episodic. I’m out now... I don’t even really like FFVII but it was a good game I was willing to play again but not now.
I think you probably summarised the thoughts of nearly everyone whose going to buy it :p
I’m trying really hard not to get my hopes up for FFVII. It’s an all-time fave, but I feel like whatever magic it had will be diluted by this episodic thing they’re going to try with it.
Watch the end of Gladiator. It’s the same thing.
It made perfect sense in the context of the story. You were just to dense to understand it and are now being defiant about your ignorance.
Um, did you miss that they literally pan up to them from a plague that marks Noctis death?
You mean, other than all the past kings being able to give you powers with the ring?
It’s their spirits, reunited in death. It’s not hard to grasp.
They arn’t actually in the throne room. Luna has been waiting for him wherever people go when they die. They are like ghosts if you will, its simply showing that they are finally together...pretty cliche’, but Noct deserves a little something after all that.
Man it’s fucking disheartening to see so many “We have no answer at this time” responses when this console hits shelves in less then 2 months.
This is a good point. I lost my original Wii a long time ago, and my gf’s doesn’t have the same VC games on it, but if I hadn’t, I’d probably be pretty salty I can’t transfer over my best games (currently). Anyone planning to grab a Switch should probably hold off on non-Switch VC purchases for the moment (especially…
Yes, several cars cost a lot more than that and it’s not something readily apparent when destroying it. Hence the whole quotes for “it’s worth a million don’t hit it!” are nonsense, because a million dollar car would cost you about 12-14k to destroy. The t20 is $2.2 million to buy, it costs about 20k when you destroy…
I don’t think anything can be insured up to a million. The highest I’ve seen, having owned all the Benny’s lowriders upgraded, is 32k. This is great storytelling, but it doesn’t ring true.