Evil Kiwi

I’m pretty sure I just commented on an Adam Reed interview which was not supposed to be published today and which totally spoils the end of the season.

So, Adam Reed will never finish his story is what I’m getting from that.

We all know the title is gonna be “Fear the Game of Thrones”.

Did you read that in an interview or is it all from you?

It’s timelines shenanigans.

Well, he sang karaoke.

Yeah it did NOT seem volontary, as the trap door was sealed and Tony was, you know, killed?

Julianna’s new wig is 10 times stronger than Julianna’s old wig.

He’s pretty open about his alcoholism, so...

No no, Zoom was terrible, the time remnants made no sense, it was a huge mess.

“Mrs. Columbo” should have been title “Miss Columbo” and feature the daughter of Columbo, who often refer to her mother that we never, ever see.

Goodbye Winnie the Bish.

In my mind, the wonderful Gillian Anderson was done the second she read the script of that stupid ass finale.

That karaoke scene is single-handedly why season 7 is better than season 6, and why I always feel the need to defend it.

Onnyongo is from season 4, which I just rewatched, when he signs his rights for the movie.

How much more confirmation do you need?

Seen it all, I disagree, I found it better.

Do we know when it was filmed?

The answer is always more character deaths.

Yes, back in 2015.