
Or he is having an affair and has not looked directly at her in months/years. I just heard a clip of "House" the other day in which a man who had turned orange was inform by the eponymous hero that his wife was having an affair, because there's no other reason she wouldn't have noticed his ridiculous coloring.

As described here, this does actually sound very great. Hmph. I wouldn't have thought.

Ugly women of the world unite! That shit is POWERFUL, sister!

I prefer Christopher Hitchens's game, wherein the word "heart" in a title (book, movie, song) is replaced with the word "dick." My favorite? "The Dick is a Lonely Hunter." Also, Woody Allen justifying his actions with "the dick wants what it wants." Also, "Miss Lonelydicks."

She does as much gender performance as any drag queen.

I'm with you, DEPW. I believe the pedophile rumors, and will continue to do so.

Notice that it was all some unnamed person being quoted; in all possibility, she has said nothing of the sort and keeps her own counsel on the matter. She seems like a pretty classy dame that way.

I'm glad it didn't bother her. It would have made me furious.

Heyyyyy...all the ladies who live in the most corporately polluted states could sue the polluters for poisoning their fetii...

Ho. Lee. Shit. That is intense.

That ring has too much going on. Just stick with the center stone.

And I'll be googling "nooses."


First Robert Downey Jr, now Gary Oldman. Seriously. Next you'll be telling me Ewan MacGregor, and I will be prostrate with grief.

That photo looks like someone is wearing a mask made out of Amanda Bynes' face. Like the chimpanzee face-rip lady. Only with functional eyes.

America, fuck yeah, comin' to save the mothafuckin' world yeah.

Analling her own granddaughter? That is some deeply kinky fanfic, there.

God bless Canada. I'm sorry if my response to your question came off as snotty; unfortunately, not only do almost none of the people I interact with on a daily basis speak more than one language (and I number among the unilingual, to my everlasting shame and despite the best efforts of more than one French teacher),

Do you know Ina May Gaskin? She is best known for Spiritual Midwifery, but has also written some other stuff that's a little more mainstream. She will also leave you thinking, "I can do this!"

I heart Sheila Kitzinger; does she still walk among us?