
literally 90% of the cars on the road in 2 years will be these things.

Nah, it’s friggin hideous.  Always will be and nothing can sway that decision.

I can just hear that choked V8 buzzing away at 4800 rpm struggling to get this thing to 60.  ND

This is definitely a car that will appreciate, NP

I cannot stand the Wagoneer, its just so damn frumpy looking. But all the idiots line up to buy that overpriced Dodge. In all honesty, I’m just so sick of the Jeep brand. I usually do not see people I would choose to be friends with driving any kind of Jeep anymore. The brand has been tainted by the clientele. 

Tyler Hoover...definitely

So, you hate it, then?

It’s better

Nah, the front end is worlds better

Ummm can I buy the subaru?

Ummmm, I don’t hate it?

They’re gonna sell the F out of this thing.

So sick of seeing these things literally everywhere.  

Sounds like a literal vacuum cleaner

Ummmm, this is friggin gross

Damn......this is friggin saaaweeet!  Although the fake exhaust is kind of dumb.

This looks better than the Kona N

Saw the stupid transformer oil cap and I said naaahhh

Dude my friggin 1995 chrysler new yorker has this

Anyone absolutely sick of seeing these damn things allover the place?  Completely played out.