
This is a nice find but have you seen the IIHS crash test of this thing?  It will probably decapitate you at above 40mph in a head on collision.

Exhaust tips on my 1995 Chrysler New Yorker.  I was 17 and friggin dumb as hell.

If by ugly you mean boring, then, yes.

Umm, no this thing is hideous.

Only thing I can guess is this car had very light steering, that might help mitigate that.  But yeah, that looks stupid AF.

Oil pressure and temperature gauges in regular cars.”

100% agree

I mean, its hard to say no or yes to this. It’s a 2000s GM so theres that. But that engine by that time was proven and has some serious grunt.

Those wheels are awful

Big ol negative Chap.  that car was total trash driven by some of the worst people on the planet.

I would trade my model 3 for a Maverick Lightning tomorrow.


I definitely agree with the idea of a practical convertible.

Well said.  I also own a model 3 from the first year of production.

Definitely the worst car ever made. Did you ever hear the reason that abomination even got built? Apparently, an executive’s wife wanted a convertible suv and so they built it for her.

The Model S did things differently and that’s why it still exists in pretty much its original form as when it came out. The yoke steeringwheel, however, is f*cking dumb as s*it. Tesla is a company that’s not afraid to take on big oil and the big car companies, takes alot of balls to do that and actually succeed. Not

Yes, at least we will not notice it.

More like the Humble National

I disagree fully.  The Model S is the reason why all car companies have an EV agenda now.

Can’t wait to see these literally everywhere.