
Plus Bill had liability only insurance on a brand new pickup truck.  Not exactly a good move.

I really think Volvo EV’s will be the first REAL competition for Tesla.

Dimple car wraps (Fastskinz)save so much junk installation

Don’t worry folks this will all just blow over like every other goddamn relevant scandal of this full derp administration.

Your post reminds me.. How long until we see a McLaren SUV?

Mo Money Mo Problems

If only Saturn were still around, they could have transformed the brand into GM’s own EV only brand.

Ok, they need to fasttrack this fucker into production.  

Ok, this company is officially dead to me.

Frosting your tips?

Tesla needs the employ the interior camera in the model 3 to detect when someone might be sleeping or not paying attention and then play extremely loud death metal to wake them up or get their attention.

Why is nobody using Tesla's open source patents??

Stretch that budget and get a model 3 standard range plus.

CP, I can imagine what this owner’s house looks like if he’s trying to sell his car with the interior looking like that.

yes, they are the worst and belong on a bro-dozer

Yes to all of this.  I also think GM should take the “Bolt” name and make it its own brand that sells only full EV’s.  Kind of like Saturn but all EV’s

Turbo Pilot

I’d be willing to bet the Model S gets cross shopped with the Panamera as well as the Cayenne and the Model X

Taycan OC has a nice ring to it.