
The sharp edges of that awful, and overdone front end do not match the bulbous fender flares on the side of the car, this thing is an absolute mess. I see them everywhere though...brandwhores

GOOD GOD the nostalgia!!

Honestly though...

MMMM that steering wheel is just fantastic!

I’m on board with this.

1. Get rid of the old, stinky, dirty crown vics.

Hell, I think even a Volvo would collapse if rear-ended by a housefly.

I remember that Indy 500 game..you had to get the trivia question correct before playing the game..lol!

Isn’t HD in financial decline? There’s probably some sort of corrupt deal they have with the american police forces to keep them buying them, cost, too maybe?

Are there any nice looking GM steering wheels in current GM cars?

How come they cant implement this on their drive-e gas motor?

We are all insignificant! Take your problems and eat them. Be humble and kind to one another. Remember the cosmos next time you feel like you are entitled!

Did you use a 2007 blackberry to take that pic?

Used, gotcha.

Surprised it started. ;)


No stopsale?


Jalopnik is my go to for everything news. Thanks guys, this is way more info than I would have gotten by tuning into/logging onto any news outlet.

I’d rock that