
Never liked this project...looked too ‘Chip Foose’ to me.

You win!

#31 pic, FTW

Unfortunately this thing looks fantastic so, that means they will be EVERYWHERE!!!

Probably one of the most intriguing and exciting on-track videos I’ve seen.

torque ratio?

the previous gen Camry (~2009) was pretty bad as well, it’s a tiny little reflector housing for the blinker right below a big ass brake light.

They will sell this but yeah, the III is needed asap

So, is that like a car full of weed?


That’s it! They literally make me angry when I see the over-privileged stay-at-home soccer mom driving one chatting away on her goddamn cellphone EVEN THOUGH THAT BARGE HAS BLUETOOTH!

Honestly, not sure what the big deal is.

It’s funny, my father and I have a very similar relationship. I am car nuts and he could really care less, or so he states.... The only subject, however, that we ever engage in good conversation is about cars. If the room is silent I just mention the new XE or the new Alfa etc and bam we’re talking and it’s enjoyable.



Just make the bed a greenhouse.

A box of hammers