
aaahh yes and then in about 3 months time the baby will not sleep through the nights. well congrats on the new one and here are to sleep full nights!! for now at least

so does this mean that its destined to be another movie game with one pretty gimmick but just end up being repetitive and sucking? or shall wolverine overcome and be a must play game this year?

hhhmmmm well E3 is right around the corner, but i'm surprised MS didn't bring more to the table. o well

@P3nnst8r: yea, but pole position was the first to capture a lot of imaginations

hhhmmm im not much of a pc gamer, but i didn't think spore did as well as this is showing, good for it.

first was fun and a fresh take on skating, if the second ups the fun i think i just might buy it.

@EVILSTUART: either way its free and no one can complain!

lol free pr for nintendo!!! like they need more, but very cool, very cool indeed.

but i dont like sandbox games anymore, i want linear story lines.

oh man i remember the second ad, but i cannot remember the name of that game lol, i think i was about 10 or 12 and thinking that this is just a little cheesy lol

how about with online you can rematch and not get kicked out. give us a lobby, this is one thing that i am really starting to hate on with this generation of console games. no lobby in between matches. boo to you, otherwise this game is a must buy.

these needs to come out in america, were all fat and dont wanna go grab the phone when were playing games. cmon nintendo, this is a must for americans!!

hhhhmmmm and to think that this title has so much potential....

luis_part_2, but the resistance_arcade_on_string is a close second!!!

well i got my tattoo finished so now i cant wish for that, but i do want my copy of end war, its was on sale at GS for $30 and figured what the hell and put it under the tree to me from my wife lol.

@KillerOnTheRoad: lol as you keep putting it off // its a fun game i have spent more time playing that the SSHD, which was a time suck.

the chell is making me mouth water mmmmm, nice job guys lol the cake is not a lie looks good, but i would never try it lol

please EA sign this game, ohh whops please someone sign this game!!!

@Tob3z: british broadcasting channel im pretty sure thats what it stands for

this show is freaking hilarious. i just started watching it like a month ago, know watch american tv producers bring this stateside and do what they did with the office.