
You’ve never hit anyone in your entire life? I call bullshit.

Clearly the best response is to make any device capable of being used for swatting illegal.

The sheer *nerve* it takes to SWAT someone less than a month after a swatting death is incomprehensible to me, and aimed at a child no less.

They need to catch this guy.

That guy is a joke. We’ve had EVs now for a while. What percentage of accident require cutting power to the battery? How do access compare to other cars? I had an BMW i3 which Munro swooned over with the SAME emergency issues...I don’t think there is ANY way to open the frunk of an i3 from the outside to get to the

In America, if you’re white, you’re racist whether you want to believe it or not. Look up white privilege. It’s a big problem here.

Oh, honey.

You’re reporting on something that is totally unsubstantiated in any way.

There is no conflict here. People have free speech, and your employer is free to fire your ass. If I went on a racial tirade in my office, you bet your life I would be out.

Dear Cajun Navy,

Depends on if National Guardsmen know how to operate boats. More boats are good under people who know how to operate boats in shallow water. That isn’t a common training scenario for the army.

I still don’t understand how people can say that the white supremacists are the only ones in the wrong here, when BLM and Antifa LITERALLY showed up to pick a fight with them.

after Trump put Neo-Nazis on the same moral level as people who despise Neo-Nazis

The advantage of maglev is that it’s a proven technology vs the original air bearings and to cost it out is predictable. However, it’s very expensive to build maglev for an entire route compared to standard rails.

Perhaps he is working on tech closer to the white paper?

Why? Because he wants to bring an ide he suggested to life? You realize this “dickbag” is allowing other companies to use the trademarked Hyperloop name with no intention of stopping them. This dickbag opened up Tesla’s patents to other companies to further the advent of electric cars. There are so many unconventional

cut it out with all your facts and logic. That type of thing scares people even more than mean old guns.

You know that you can already buy liability insurance policies that pay your defense costs in auto accident cases, right?

There’s not really any contradiction between saying you’re opposed to making one type of insurance coverage mandatory and saying you think it makes sense for people to have a substantially different type of insurance coverage if they can afford it.

Concealed Carry Insurance has been around from multiple companies for years. USCCA, Second Call Defense, CCW Safe, Texas Law Shield, US Law Shield, etc. But now that the NRA has their own, the anti-gun community is losing their crap. Again, mostly because they have a complete lack of understanding self defense.

Forcing it on gun owners and giving gun owners the option to choose to have it are very different things. Your logic here is garbage.