There wasn't an in universe explanation initially. Halo is a product of the late nineties, long before iron sights were standard. Even in odst, in which players are normal shock troops, you used crosshairs and hip fire.
There wasn't an in universe explanation initially. Halo is a product of the late nineties, long before iron sights were standard. Even in odst, in which players are normal shock troops, you used crosshairs and hip fire.
We young folks could make cool shiat too.
I think hyper loop would be a good moment to rethink the nature of security.
Cid has been my favorite recurring character throughout final fantasy.
I'd say this music feels... Meh.
It adds to the immersion, because the guns have all of the screen time.
I suspect they'd have a lot of other problems besides finding chilled gas, in that case.
actually its a very smart solution to a different problem.
I think that to enjoy any retro game you have to put yourself in the mindset of the era.
Alot of these features have been slated for post launch, so they have no effect on the deadline either.
I like it.
Makes it feel like your discussing news in someones home rather than on a rigged sound stage.
Look at it this way: If the Russians went door to door and only one in every dozen gun owners managed to injure one of those officers, they'd still run out of soldiers. This is on top of losses from the organized military response.
I see nothing wrong with this plan.