
We should make some ungodly expensive contract for lockheed to make more A-10's, then the inventory will be secured...

Because what I need after dropping $500 on a phone is someone to decide what content is appropriate for adults.
Something tells me I'll be paying less for the uncensored competitor at my next upgrade...

Kinda wishing they went through with the human rated model now...

Show him a few episodes of Knight Rider. He'll figure it out.

Not sure it does, but if it did then the weight of the argument would still lean towards the lighter birds for infiltration work. I mean, if you're going to put up with the downwash and other issues of a big vehicle, as well as the maintenance issues of radar absorbing materials, one wonders why they don't just put a

I agree. There is also the V-280 which is bringing a smaller tilt rotor to the offering.
The ultimate problem with these is that they are still under construction, so they're untested as platforms. But for the kind of job on offer its worth considering them.
For the time being I think the V-22 is the best stopgap,

Missouri could also get sued for lots and lots of money.
The old dealership model is on the ropes and a sneak attack will just highlight the problem in an election year.
...and voters are damn tired of being scammed as it is.

Given a choice between an exercise bike and this... sign me up for flappy bird 2.0

Seems like Zenimax is making sure we don't have to wait...

Putin isn't looking for a costly battle. So as much as selling a few manpads to the Ukranians might be enough to forestall a conflict.

alternative of not dealing with it: nuclear missiles in Cuba and probably a dozen other dictatorships. Nuclear proliferation to the least stable and most untrustworthy states first.

If the President doesn't put his foot down then the choice to start a shooting war might not be made by him.
This brinksmanship business puts weapon systems and soldiers in close proximity and under extreme tension. It doesn't take much for a bad turn of events to trigger something beyond one politicians control.

Because some people deserve to live in slavery and oppression?
How noble of you to choose for others while decrying the hypocrisy of it.

To be fair, the things that matter aren't always the things that make a big difference visually. Better engines, range, higher reliability, all good stuff. I agree they could have at least altered the windows or something, but then people would question why they're messing around.

Not just for drones, also for ground taxiing and checking the underbelly or tail.
Any situation where you've got a man standing outside to guide the operator of a vehicle (ships, trucks, planes, etc...) its because there's a risk of them bumping into things they can't see.

It works for some games more than others.
Fruit Ninja was pretty epic with Kinect, but something like an action/mech game was begging for trouble. They tried to do alot more than the system was honestly capable of handling, and it showed.

I doubt its a matter of money. When it comes to defense items, its about who's making which systems and where their factories are located.
It doesn't make sense for the navy to own a drone that can't be recovered at sea. But when the right congressional district is depending on it, it does.

Those tanks can cost millions, so its not that much for a prototype system... relatively speaking, of course.

Sounds like it'll be time to boycott Zenimax soon...
Which is a shame, but trying to cash out on the biggest thing in VR will do more harm to the industry than any good Zeni has planned. In the end they're taking potential from the rift and had no intention of adding anything to the industry as a whole.

I liked the Navy's other drone better. Seemed more along the lines of their needs.