
I don't think that's entirely true tho.
Comparing a fully wired soldier (radar screen, map, voice coms, fire control systems, health monitoring, etc...) to a WWI soldier (fancy hat, shovel) is like comparing a modern fighter to a biplane.
Yes there are things about the minds of great soldiers that don't change, and

A mask could do more than protection.
Wired up with monitors and communications, it can give you information to spot and report threats faster or interface with your weapon systems better. It wouldn't take a whole lot of electronics to make it a battlefield necessity. The real problem being the need for a power

Being in orbit is basically like falling over the horizon.

The Wii had more than a few successful titles tho, and Kinect did see some success with games like fruit ninja. Initially many didn't expect it would work at all.

Beta radiation doesn't penetrate far, and is usually blocked by clothing.

The kinetics problem IS the lack of games that utilize these features.

The construction of district 9 was actually spooky good, before they added the aliens. It has to be put in context as a relatively hard sci-fi piece from a new director, and for what it is its worth the praise.
I think games are a more temperamental product because fans go in expecting one thing and a director might

WWII has had ages of media work to make it a strait up battle of good VS evil. It was controversial and tragic in its time, but the propaganda engine was at work to be sure the people didn't question their nations resolve.
We don't live in the same kind of world today. We don't accept simple concepts like good or

I know some video game players who shot people.

You know... I read this article, and it seems to make sense.

As with most things in life, its hardly that simple.

Considering how you could probably render most of its backdrops in real time on todays phones, they could save the space if they wanted to.
Sounds more like they just don't see enough profit in going to all the effort, or maybe they are saving some titles for future projects.

Thumbsticks are actually atrocious as controller inputs. They don't give you the input range or leverage of a joystick or the accuracy of a mouse, and their size is an ergonomic nightmare. Yes you can hold turns but accuracy is lost when you're trying to quickly place the pipper on a target without some kind of

Vests stop small caliber rounds, which is better than nothing.


I think this is the biggest chink in the steam armor.

Using data without players permission would be business suicide, and its entirely unnecessary. Lots of people would be willing to opt in for some kind of bonus (like store credit) or if the system was used in some kind of feature that made the users experience better. We are also a democratic society that likes the

Why don't PC's have their own controller?

Because consumers are lazy.