****Stolen from another website****
correction its the shadow.
It does look off center, it looks like the right stacks are above the G
I remember them as a Vauxhall Calibra, I still think they are great looking cars.
This lil bad boy was twincharged too
I got stuck with on of those once while my car was in the shop, having to drive that POS on the freeway was a nightmare it rocked side to side every time i got passed by a car.
beautiful with Ferrari underpinnings, SSOOO MUCH WANT
Man that FTO was once a very nice car, the owner needs to be slapped.
that appears to be a datsun hat tip
That is epic
Its going to be a Donk, he's just waiting on the Rims
Seems Legit
They are pictures of two different cars, look at the sideview mirrors.
Wow, that's way past the break in period, now its in its breaking period.
Morning after a party in my friends Renault 5 (with nice light grey interior), we were dropping a couple of girls off at home, Girl one gets out no problem, Girl two gets out my friend turned around to say goodbye and saw a big ole patch of blood (the painters were in). My friend then looks the girl directly in the…