
Maybe they added that line after they found out that their real father is a pedophile.

It certainly could have ended up as a very good arc and a very good conclusion to the show if it had been implemented correctly, but the fact that Leslie didn't really have any real opponents and that it was pretty obvious that she would win removed the narrative stakes a little bit.

There are no Season 4 episodes of Parks and Recreation that are as good as the best Parks and Recreation episodes from Season 3 and Season 2. I feel like the campaign subplot in Season 4 is one of the things that caused the show's decline.

The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis, The Gang Buys A Boat or Dennis and Dee Go On Welfare

I loved all the thinly veiled shots at Bud Selig. Fuck Bud Selig.

It was probably Gujaratis who financed the mission.

I don't mind that trade because that set forth the chain of events that resulted in the Giants winning two World Series and getting Buster Posey.

He's certainly not stupid, but I just don't like how the show occasionally makes him say some wise old man thing randomly in order to bring down a character's sense of power.

I think The Office was the best comedy on NBC up until Season 6.

I think Season 9 seems better in comparison because Season 8 was so horrifically bad.

Remember when Todd or someone else said that we would get user profiles and community grading back by January? That never ended up happening, and we're stuck with a shitty commenting system on an annoying interface. I don't visit this site much anymore because a lot of the best features are gone.

Indians and Hispanics don't live in Scranton.

Thanks for the kind words, Janine.

As an Indian-American, this episode nails all the unique cultural aspects of Diwali without sacrificing the humor. That was probably because this episode was written by Mindy Kaling, but the actors nailed their scenes too. Michael's first encounter with samosas and Angela getting pissed off at the food available felt

The thing I like about this episode is how it portrays Bert Cooper as a piece of shit. I don't like how some people depict him as an all-knowing Yoda figure who always has the right answer, even if he doesn't always express it.

I like how he's basically resigned himself to the fact that he has to work with someone who only wants a sounding board as a companion.

ill bash ye fookin ead in i sware on me mum