I know that the media has treated Archie’s Boy with kid gloves on this thing, but who really gives a shit. Everyone knows he used a little HGH, and Nance blasting him on national tv wouldn’t really have a huge impact one way or the other.
I know that the media has treated Archie’s Boy with kid gloves on this thing, but who really gives a shit. Everyone knows he used a little HGH, and Nance blasting him on national tv wouldn’t really have a huge impact one way or the other.
Could Gloria Allred be more of an opportunistic sleazeball? Unlikely
I’m just looking forward to him coming out of prison with new-found street cred and reinventing himself as the rapper “martian skrillah”
Norman getting burned on that late TD will eat him up for at least the next week. It’s one thing to give up a tying score, completely another to do so against a man you want to strangle with your bare hands.