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    There's just something kind of annoying about how all the characters in these kinds of books have these hillbilly kitsch names as if that will make it that much closer to Flannery O'Connor. I'm not saying I don't like some modern rural noir. I really do. I just think there could be something othering and condescending

    I've only read Norwood and True Grit, but I pretty much think True Grit is a perfect novel. The language kills me- it's like a more restrained, funnier version of the style that Deadwood was going for.
    I have The Dog of the South sitting here on my bookshelf, but I haven't read it yet. I guess I had better get on

    If you have a few minutes to kill, you should look up The Accountant on YouTube. It's a short, funny film that has a lot to say about Southern representation in the media. Bonus: Walton Goggins is a main character.

    I was really pleased to see In Bruges on there. There are so many small, dark laughs in that movie (when Ray is feeling down and looks over and makes eye contact with the dog with the horrible skin condition and just gives this petulant sigh like, "God, must everything be just shit?"). It's one of my favorites.

    I would disagree about True Grit. It completely bypasses the John Wayne original and comes straight from the amazing novel. I don't even consider them together.

    Try the Locke Lamora series. It's fun!

    The part where she lets her dad off the hook and apologizes is the turd on top of an otherwise perfect movie for me. I can accept that she could stand to learn to be less hard on people, but not her dad, that dick.

    I'm a 6th grade teacher and I read it to my kids this year and even the meanest of the mean we're just slack jawed during reading time. It's a rougher area and a lot of these kids don't get read to at home. It reminded me how little they still are. It was probably the most fun thing we did in class all year. We made

    The exact opposite of that in every way. Ha

    Ha! I haven't seen Outlander but I tried to read the first book a while back but got bored with all the romance novel stuff and quit. Then I read the Wikipedia entry just to see what happened and was like, "Damn…That's fucked up. Maybe I should've hung in there." Did not see that shit coming.

    It's surely not my first choice, but I'll take it ten times over Dallas.


    That show, and I'm not joking, is the most accurate, while still loving, depiction of Texas I've seen.

    Houston does get a bad rep. Good food, good museums. I'm about to get priced out of Austin, but unfortunately Houston's no better in that regard. I'd rather die than live in the DFW area, though.

    You just brought piss to a shit fight.

    Only Nathan Arizona gets a pass for raison d'être, and he gets it forever.

    Apparently McMurtry did that on purpose because everyone was bothering him about a sequel, so he basically told everyone to get fucked by killing Newt and Clara.

    I genuinely laughed out loud at that scene. Just that very slight lip curl of "nope" and his not giving a shit.

    Adam Pally is so adorable and funny in the few things I've seen him in but when I heard a podcast interview he did, he sounded like a smug dick teenager. I was disappointed.

    I want to love this. On paper, I should love it, but these trailers are blah as hell.