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    Third album sensibility. First two albums' sound. Mostly.

    The vampire/zombie thing from Let the Right One In that wasn't in the movie. That moment in the scene where the boy's mind literally breaks forever while locked in a closet with it.

    The movie is one of my standout childhood movie memories. Watch the scene with Artax in the Swamps of Sadness and prepare to cry all the water out of your body. German children's books, man.

    I've never even heard of Wanderlust but that clip is magical.

    The "got dang snahper's dee-light." line makes me laugh just thinking about it, and I'm touchy about bad southern accents. Still hilarious.

    At the end of My Dog Skip when the little, old fella (who looked exactly like my childhood dog) couldn't get up on the bed.

    I couldn't agree more about The Scarlet Letter. Kill it dead.

    God, I love Silicon Valley. I know nothing about the tech industry but I do know that that dick joke at the end of season one was the most elegantly written, hilarious dick joke in history.

    It sucked then and sucks now, but I still use the "shock me, shock me, shock me…" line because it's a good one and so useful.

    Cersei is the worst. But I still want her to kick the shit out of that nun.