Thank you! My grandfather once went to McDonald’s and paid for a meal with a counterfeit $10 bill and didn’t know it. The police were called, but no one thought he intentionally did it.
Thank you! My grandfather once went to McDonald’s and paid for a meal with a counterfeit $10 bill and didn’t know it. The police were called, but no one thought he intentionally did it.
This is my point. It’s very easy for counterfeit bills to pass along for a while before someone catches them. We got one at work once that wasn’t picked up until we tried to deposit it, and since it was just one individual bill, I suspect the person who paid us with it didn’t realize they were passing bad money.
“You ain’t gonna Disney+ me!” - John Boyega. Dude’s getting paid by them already, he’s fucking done.
Exactly, I grew up on the south side of Chicago. The colonizers heads have gotten swole.
Bless his heart....
Very little is better than watching someone overplay their hand in life...
He was too dumb to even do his snitchin’ in private. Also, stop snitching.
well stated lol.
I’m pissed at that guy for putting a GT logo above a shit-ass opinion like that.
Exactly. I doubt very much the email this guy received suggested tenants should get into confrontations with people they suspect are using the gym w/o authorization.
White people need to stop thinking they’re fucking Batman and cut the vigilante act.
“Aggressive?” Rotten dick nuggets, no one would get aggressive with you if you MYOB. I would get aggressive too, he wasn’t security or a property manager. Whitey needs to stop deputizing themselves.
Get outta my head! LOL!
I can already pathetically tell the person and the signs, not surprising since tomato is missing that they are just a lesser more pathetic and less intelligent form of trolling that doubles down on their stupidity rather than using any skills to pretend to be nuanced, that’s the funny part, their standard MAGA racist…
Dumbass lost her job and her dog. If they take her truck, she’ll be ready to write a country song.
All I can say is, that did not go the way she planned!
I love comedy from John Mulaney to Dave Chapelle and everything in between. It’s not comedy if it’s not funny. Thats all that should really matter. Her dress size her sexual preference means fuck all when it comes to something being funny or not. Fortune Feimster is a lesbian comedian fucking hilarious same with Jessic…
To be fair, a lot of the rave reviews seem to carry overtones of moral superiority and suggest that those who don’t find it funny are the shitty people who are the targets of her barbs. In the same way that folks who don’t find it particularly funny can just quietly ignore it and go on about their lives, it’s just as…