
There must be an emergency declaration made! EVERYONE MUST RETURN TO THE PORN FACTORIES. Fuck (safely) for your nation, patriots!

I wonder whose laptop that actually is, and if they appreciated it being perched on top of a pile of books and papers. It’s clearly posed for the photo, as if you tried to use it like that, it’d flop off the pile in 2 seconds.

I didn’t say you had to do anything.

Do not believe anything coming out of Florida. Do not believe Ron DeSantis. It’s that simple. This lady, with her accompanying personal problems, is more trustworthy than DeSantis.

Who cares? Just stay halfway cute, put the dick in the hole and, eventually, pull out of wherever and ejaculate where everyone can see it.

There’s like a dozen major porn sites, and each one has more porn than any person could watch in a lifetime.

Black folk certainly aren’t insulated from being dumb as hell during this pandemic.

On Feb. 23, Arbery went for a jog in the Satilla Shores neighborhood outside of Brunswick, Ga. Believing he was responsible for a robbery in the neighborhood, Travis and Gregory McMichael followed Arbery and shot and killed him during a confrontation.

I just realized that while everyone focused on the fact that these people are idiots for altering the map, everyone should have focused on the fact that these morons were too stupid to get a white colored sharpie to match the map. 

His father is a prominent 'Southern Nationalist' and he used his real photo for a vetting group for Identity Dixie, an umbrella organization for neo-Confederates and like-minded racists. And the Twitter account @SCNazi was deactivated shortly after he was exposed. All signs point to him actually being and doing who

Hmm, yes his argument makes sense. I would always choose to cutoff my source of income for provably false accusations. Absolutely perfect response.

He is not taking it. He, however, is trying to kill his followers.

18,000 public lies in three years makes it hard for me to believe anything this buffoon says. He just needs people to be talking about him, doesn't matter what about.

$50 says he’s lying about taking it, just like he lies about everything else. 

You mean the sht box where the cat steps in and all over its poo? And urinates outside the box.  And tracks fecal material all outside and on the floor around the cat box, and YOUR home? And don’t forget it getting on YOUR counter, where you prepare YOUR meals.  Nasty.

RIP Hammockandhappiness

This movie is a god***m gift and privilege to watch and just keeps getting better with every viewing. In addition to what’s already been mentioned (boat vs sandwich, etc.)...

You can turn off the preview autoplays in Settings and it makes using Netflix way less painful.

Except that’s funny. 

Lauren Lapkus deserves better than this! (at least I think she does... maybe I dont really know Lauren at all... maybe she has been hiding her inner Missy this whole time)