This movie is a god***m gift and privilege to watch and just keeps getting better with every viewing. In addition to what’s already been mentioned (boat vs sandwich, etc.)...
This movie is a god***m gift and privilege to watch and just keeps getting better with every viewing. In addition to what’s already been mentioned (boat vs sandwich, etc.)...
You can turn off the preview autoplays in Settings and it makes using Netflix way less painful.
Except that’s funny.
Lauren Lapkus deserves better than this! (at least I think she does... maybe I dont really know Lauren at all... maybe she has been hiding her inner Missy this whole time)
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a promotional photo from a movie that more clearly says “this is a bad movie” than the one at the top of this review.
From my experience, JustWatch tends to erroneously display titles supposedly streaming on Tubi. When you go to the Tubi site, the title is nowhere to be found. Other than that, the site works great.
The grays have their white sheets on tonight.
In his book he makes it quite clear that he didn’t deliberately tank ‘Gargoyles’, but goes into extensive detail about how he would have done it if he had.
Is this in reference to the flat-earther who set up an experiment and actually proved himself that the earth is round?
Nice article,well said. The one issue is, most conspiracy nuts I know get off on having figured out the conspiracy. They aren’t looking for it to get disproved, they are looking for how smart they can be by fitting new junk into the narrative. It’s a great little personal win and way to feel important to have…
Ok Columbo.
I mostly do. Usuaually use just a hint of olive oil when cooking, then a plastic scraper and nylon brush with hot water to clean, then a super thin later of olive oil rubbed into it and stored that way. I never ‘season’ properly.
“What I love is how ANY and EVERY white person is deputized to enforce their version of the law when they see fit.”
What I love is how ANY and EVERY white person is deputized to enforce their version of the law when they see fit. BUT when the ACTUAL LAW is applied like, say...requiring them to stay inside for their own safety, well then that’s governmental overreach. Lord knows we cannot step on their Constitutional rights.
The longer you look at that photo, the more everyone appears to be photo-shopped into that room (though far-right-side guy has a very unfortunate Exorcist-neck situation in progress). It’s a like film poster for a holiday-themed meringue of a movie, full of celebrities with full control over their p.r. materials.
Conan is so good at making something out of nothing. His charm and humor just make it entertaining. Sometimes the best part of his podcast are just him screwing around with the people who work with him on it.
To be fair, I think Incitatus was probably more qualified than Ivanka, Jared or anyone else he’s appointed, really.
There are all sorts of stories about Trump as a child, and what a bully he was. One that sticks out is him throwing rocks at a baby in a playpen in the yard next door. He did that on his own.
Ammmmeeennn. There is much wrong with Donald Trump that a motherly /fatherly slap up side the head would not have mitigated.