
My grandfather was in WW2, if you’ve ever seen footage of those boats that drove right up to the beach and let the soldiers off, he drove those*. Anyway, near where we live there is a WW2 memorial with this gigantic battleship along with two other very impressive looking ships, and everyone from around here has gone

I think a docuseries about how badly this administration is dealing with the crisis might be informative.

Whatta dumb fuckin’ slag.

And they're STILL trynna make "cuck" happen. :D

I can’t think of a single website I frequent on a daily basis to remind them I don’t care for their content. Who has that kind of energy to do shit like that? Rhetorical question, I know. Same people pissed off Land O’ Lakes dropped their mascot. They’re so mad about it that’s the only reason they’re going to stop

They really, truly have absolutely nothing better to do. It’s totally not fucking pathetic at all!

I’m starting to think the difference in national response to this versus kneeling isn’t really about respecting the flag or military vets.

Kanye inspires all of us to live the dream of making a billion dollars and instantly being mad that no one cares nearly as much as he does.


How will we ever remember the history of the Civil War if our politicians don’t wear face masks of the flag??????

With all due respect, this is not the time for customization.

Padma, are you listening??!!! I would buy that.

I’ll raise you one. Winning!

Or “everyone is an adult here, KAREN?” 

If it’s dry, isn’t it just a ridge?

I would *never* say something so blasphemous, sir.

I dunno. Ike Turner put out some great stuff in his day.

How much were they asking for him?

“There was a show called Name that Tune back in the 1950s, and by the fourth note, they would say, ‘Oh, that’s ‘Strangers in the Night.’ There’s nothing on the radio you can name in 20 notes, almost.”