
Yeah, “Shadow Inc” in conjunction with “ACRONYM”...they sure know how to name them! 

It’s hard not to look at this article as another to add to the “Bad Takes” pile when the central focus is that this pushback had a racial component, when you know for a fact that if Bernie or #MayorCheat had pulled this, it would have been just as bad...

IKR! Almost as good as Fraud Guarantee.

I love this

That app was partially funded by Buttigieg’s campaign; one he urged for after he demanded they use a more advanced method to “get the count out to the media faster”. I mean, I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but this one smells like stagnant sewage.

Totally Not Corrupt Co.

After the two definitely stolen elections in 2000, 2016 and a probably stolen one in 2004 (looking at you Ohio) the fact that we do not have a uniform paper ballot for all federal elections, including major party primaries, is dumbfounding. What is it going to take for Democrats to realize this simple truth? A Russian

I finally figured out who she reminds me of. Piers Morgan. They are both unbearable ppl who talk to loud about shit they have very little knowledge about. Also to call back to another commenter, they both have a weird hatred of Meghan Markle

I could have been in the NFL...but then I took a snake to the knee.

The snake didn’t take a knee. It took a belly.

I mean, obviously snakes can’t take a knee cause they don’t have knees, but I appreciate that someone took the time to think about the mechanics of “snake kneeling”.

I mean they apparently don’t know how any of the other animals’ legs work, so I cna’t be surprised. 

Fish and snakes taking a knee just downright funny. Everything about this ad is ridiculous. Of course, it takes a hard right turn in to offensive at the end. As for this:

Snakes don’t have legs and fish don’t have feet, that’s why they don’t get lucrative endorsement contracts from Nike.

The kneel thing is puzzling, but after getting the news from the senate (it no longer deserves capitalization) that no witnesses will be called, I find the ability to stand  without having a spine even more amazing.

Yeah, the anatomy of that whole thing is suspect.

They evolve legs and then evolve a middle joint for extra flexibility.

Sorry, Tyreq, but there’s nothing funny about any of this.  

Danny. You’ve made good again on the wing front. I love baked wings. I was also already planning them for this weekend so I will put your brine to the test. Admittedly I’m often to lazy to brine wings and they probably suffer as a result. Solid classic sauce at a traditional “hot” ratio as well. I like to jazz it up

Who wants to spend all that time waiting for them to brine?? What are you staring at the fridge for 12 hours???