
Then why weren’t these savages beating the shit out of all those hipsters in Central Park and other areas?

I binged GoT so that might have something to do with my similar “eh” feeling about It (watching In pretty rapid succession rather than the slow reveal of episodes). I also binged Breaking Bad and feel the same way about that show: Ok In parts but overall...

It may be an actual term, but the only references I can find to It stem from a book called “Deaths of Despair” that came out last year about the struggles of the middle class and was pretty widely publicized. Now, sure, they could have read the book and borrowed the term but... I kinda doubt It. But, I guess It could

Oh, I agree with you. He definitely wanted to keep his legacy Intact. But the rest of It seemed like coincidence. They should just say that.

I hope he doesn’t take anyone with him either, but he’s an anti-vaxxer and was recently suspended from FB for a brief time.

If he was/is as worried about his legacy against LeBron and as “pathologically competitive”, why not do it during Game 7 of that year’s series instead of during a championship parade which hardly anyone outside of Cleveland cared about?

So Jordan’s people called this guy the day before the parade (he says he took the redeye) and had him meet them (intentionally) as the parade was going on just so they could say “yes” as the parade was happening...

A small point, but...from the Times article:


Never Heard of the Beatles...

Or to (possibly) paraphrase a famous headless queen, “Let ME eat cake!”

The political commentator who can sit at home and do his commentating seems awful chill about other people going out and risking Infection.

And the lower part of their legs.

Also... “deaths” of despair? Why are poorly spelled signs the currency of the “Speak English!” crowd?

I’m still required to work (at a public facility with very minimal staff and no more visitors as of now AND that has been very accommodating In supplying masks, hand sanitizer, etc., and maintaining social distancing while on the site), so other than those seven or eight people (on rotation), It’s just me and my SO at

First grave with a trough.

“Is It possible the shutdown went too far, Mr. President? I’ll sit way the fuck over here and listen for my answer...”

Schrodinger’s Stop-And-Frisk. I love that. Perfect. Also, here’s a scientific representation of the arrest record.