Even The Scary Ones

I liked it well enough, but now after the fact do realize more obviously the lack of anything beyond “here are twins, they have powers, and they use those powers to kill people for one reason or another.” And why didn’t they try to do more for the lawyer guy? He comes to them about seeing his double, and the main bit

A fine question! Morbid curiosity, I assume. Or whatever other explanations exist. The same stupid reason I always look at the comments on any number of Bleeding Cool articles involving Marvel despite knowing there’s an astronomically high chance most of them will be terrible.

My enjoyment of that episode is roughly equal to my curiosity as to how long it takes before something like Fox News or some other right wing whatsit begins wailing about how the show is totally anti-cop/white/etc.

Considering people are animals, it’s animal cruelty either way! ZIIIIING. I also choose to believe that by dropping the bit he did, his tour is now called something like KID ROCK: ON EARTH. This is less of a lie, at least.

Yeah, that was more enjoyable. I’d still appreciate a bit less camerawork-via-paint-can-shaker.

I’d totally forgotten about those two. The oldest Marvel thing of his I could easily recall was Loki: Agent of Asgard. Which I still can’t tell if it quickly ran through the initial premise of Loki working off his past misdeeds on purpose, or if the barrage of events it tied in to during roughly half its run

As far as I know it’s really only the second, with the other being his New Avengers run that U.S.Avengers replaced. Maybe the two different Ultimates runs can count as I think they were technically under the Avengers banner. And if you only care to count New/U.S.Avengers as ended Avengers series that he wrote that

These cancellations are so damn frustrating. About the only cancelled thing that I was getting that I won’t miss is America, just because the writing never really clicked with me. On the other hand, it still seems far too early to pull the plug on She-Hulk and Generation X.

I’m basically with the rest on this. At the very least I’m pretty enthusiastic about at least some of the mythology material, especially early on when it was a lot more mysterious and full of unknown stuff. But without going back and re-watching the entirety of the show’s original run, I’d say it simply got less good

Eh, it was alright. Ish. I think it’s safe to say however that the mythology stuff just isn’t going to work anymore. Unless Carter has a way to end this sort-of-season on an improbably high note. I suppose it’s potentially suffering from what happens whenever an overall narrative is forced into a smaller space at

I’ll give you that. I’d once again forgotten how they actually did alter the ending, and was mostly stuck on how I think they’d said the show would deviate quite a bit in later episodes from Broadchurch, and then that primarily consisted of introducing that hitchhiker/guy in the woods/whatever he was as a red herring

I still can’t quite pin down if it’s my constantly drifting attention or the potential for the show to have developed the inability to clearly define many of the places people end up wandering around lately, but it continues to be baffling at times to remember who was where half the time.

Eh, I had fun watching it. Regardless of how much more improved the series becomes, I’m usually game for anything as long as it doesn’t feel like it’s dropping into the worst of Asylum’s movie badness. I suppose it helps that this show has a solid cast, if nothing else.

I keep wanting more and more to just begin tweeting FUCK at him over and over again. It feels like it might be cathartic, and I could potentially get the amusing bonus of getting blocked. At the same time, the shambling horrors of Trump will continue to birth gooey, unknowable terror every day, and nothing will ever

At times, not being able to force myself to pay more attention kind of sucks. Well, a tiny amount of the time at least. Case in point, I don’t recall a thing about Siddiq’s previous appearance(s). Or references to his existence, if he didn’t physically appear before tonight.

Sarcastic huzzah! Looking at the new DC solicitations, Blue Beetle’s gone after February. Again. Which is mostly a shame. I most likely won’t feel the loss after it’s gone, and it didn’t start out the strongest this time, but it’s been more or less enjoyable, Ted Kord came back, and we got some additional Justice

I can only imagine the version being performed over in Bronson, MO.

They still had a few decentish movies from time to time, but I don’t think they’d had a more solid selection of movies and shows for over a year or so. When I first found it, I think they had anything ranging from Tales from the Darkside and Monsters to Millennium and.... other things. And when they first established

I loved having this for quite a while, but it was already starting to enter that stretch for niche networks where the variety of shows and movies was drying up badly by the time we lost it earlier this year. I figured something was off when their Sunday afternoons went from Beyond Belief reruns to shows about various

If that’s true, I almost want to accept the look. But I still find the wires/cables kind of stupid.