
I was wondering where that time traveler went. Why didn’t he let her go or say anything like, “Let’s not rape her”? Those men could not have thought that kidnapping a married woman would go well especially when they left people behind who knew them. How long did they think a distillery fire would distract everyone? It

Trump’s followers are more like scared little incel, racists.

This is what she is paid for. My dog refused to use his face to shit on when it was on a newspaper. That’s the normal reaction to him now. And thankfully so. Hopefully she loses this case but not because she is woman, but because of he is guilty. Would anyone judge a man for taking his case?

Accuse them of worse things so they admit to their actual crimes. Also act like you will be accepting of what they have done. Sociopaths lie a lot and can really stick to one and you have to be willing to do the same. These kind of liars never care about the truth. Trump’s twitter should be enough to have him declared

The Tami and Lip storyline is rushed and underdeveloped. I was surprised she walked away without Fred at the end of this episode. When she was in the hospital her family left Lip and Fred alone, which didn’t seem characteristic of them. The whole trailer thing was crazy. 

I don’t think this election is the goal. He’s upping his profile thinking he might be able to really run when he has more experience. We are talking about him. I’m not impressed. He seems to be pulling a Sarah Palin. Not being a straight white man doesn’t make it okay to be an asshole, or a dumbass racist. Obama had

If they didn’t know slavery was wrong, how can we trust anything in the constitution? Since they knew it was wrong what does that say? Slavery was free labor. Without it America probably wouldn’t have separated from England. Even convict labor and indentured servitude had an expiration date, slaves you could leave to

How many white people do you think he pardoned and how many were probably men? Even if he was getting paid most people wouldn’t use a 9 year olds hymen to justify it, unless they are into the same thing. If a hymen doesn’t break it’s not abuse now? It’s disgusting. 

If the pedo commits another crime or several more crimes can victims sue?

How many violent criminals did he let loose? Pardoning people with drug offences, or incarcerated because of legal technicalities like three strikes. If you have to say a 9 year old had her hymen intact as a reason to pardon someone that is a pedophile rapist, besides not understanding biology you have released

And Ham. Meat juice and marshmallow fluff could make him more appealing.

That’s probably the best outcome in Florida. Florida is a weird state. Let the gators munch on him slowly.

Pete Buttigieg wants to be president. He sounds like an entitled ass. He should be able to handle legit questions and be able to not sound like a douche bag. If he makes it to the presidential election he is going to be treated much harsher. The democrats are going to drill into him in the primaries. Trump Sets a low

Aren’t doctors supposed to report crazy behavior by parents? 

Renting something that is cheap seems like a break it you buy it situation. Renting anything for weddings or proms makes sense. Wouldn’t donating clothes or allowing people to do that in the store giving them a coupon and the clothes to people in need make more sense? Idk

I jumped ahead in the video because I hate hearing white men having temper tantrums. I think took me a second to realize there were two of them. They looked the same. 

Did they display fun things like drugs or clever shanks? No just a big Nazi flag. Let’s not blame the prisoners for this.

And to let white people know they can get away with anything. 

That bar can keep Harvey. Hopefully it loses all other patrons and performers. He got to act all smug while surrounded by b*tch boy goons and some pathetic version of bouncers or management at the club. Shit like this gives him power. Take that away from him and the club.

I get most of my news on here. I lived in Chester in Delaware County PA. There is a Chester County nearby and NJ has Chester Borough. When you say you are in Chester you have to explain that it’s in Delco. The Root got tiny detail wrong. Chester cops fucked up, PA is fucked up. The Root actually practices journalism