
It is a projection of one's sexual shame. The shame men feel during or after sex is very rarely addressed openly, it's a very secret thing. Guys spend a lot of time in the 'my penis is ready for sex but my maturity is not' zone. I've had conversations about this in coaching because if I teach sexual confidence to a

Slut is a fine word, the only problem is that is it used in a gender specific way. Also in BDSM it is very aspirational title that one can attain by doing a lot of work and that work involves being very knowledgeable about health, sex and how to sexually please a partner (but it's a more holistic thing than that, the

My grandmother had two boys and fought with the doctor not to perform circumcision. We lived in a French Canadian enclave where doctors were often anglophone and Jewish and decided what was the default thing to do when babies were born. Language barriers meant that it was very hard for parents to control the very

You are talking about civil rights heroines and I was talking about the straw(wo)man 'angry extremist feminist' perpetually brought up as an adversary by the people who exist in the ven diagram where MRA and rape apologists exist. The level of discourse that feminists (even the ones who take it all the way to jail)

I am aware that there are feminists who have accomplished great things by bringing a justified level of pissed off to the table... However, if you look at the greater picture they represent a tiny army versus the immense 'let's rape them dead' zombie horde. But I was sincerely referring to the the mythical straw

It's totally unfair that RAPE had this huge distributed PR army. Apparently we women have Angry Extremist Feminists on our side... The only problem is that Angry Extremist Feminists don't actually exist :(

My comment is not meant to imply that asexual people could not be healthy mentally and physically. Asexual people channel drive, desire and passion in different ways.

I'm not sure it's sound biological science but it sure feels that way. I'm trying not to load up my daughter with negative sexual baggage while asking her to carry it awkwardly through a narrow corridor... unlike I was by those adults put in charge of me :P

I think that finding a photographer who has never photographed celebrities would be the harder task to accomplish in L.A. :) What next, hire a teen idol to photo bomb all the kid's photos?

Wonderful to read about your experience. I would love to be very horny all the time because I see sexual desire as a sign of health (mental and physical). Now I have trained myself to have orgasms by hugging and kissing (okay it was a team effort lol) and so the good ole poking has diminished :P

This. :)

That is why I purposefully included my original application of the word random in my comment to define how her style elements are put together from a randomizing machine. But you can choose to take from it whatever you want.

I stand by my choice of words about her personal fashion style. What does the word 'Random' mean in your world? Maybe it has also changed since I read the dictionary... like a lot of other words.

She adds a batshit meta layer to the debauchery of news-jacking! I am surprised the Internet didn't shut itself down the moment that came out.

A wedding 'director'? Arghhhhh! I will likely never get married again, this shit is becoming crazy!

Since when is spending time with someone entitles them to catalogue their life? The only person who is entitled in this transaction of life is the private citizen who does NOT give permission to be photographed. Maybe it's because we are Canadians that we see this as a polite thing that doesn't enrage our sense of

I agree with you that people are allowed to stay offline if they want and it is that seeing their lives cataloged online could be detrimental in their career. I dread the day when Instagram-entitled girls show up at our lesbian sex parties and cannot understand that tweeting is verboten :) Hasn't happened yet.

I will cop to the fact that I have written a 'blog post' about how random Lay Gaga is :) That was in the beginning of her omnipresence. Yet 4 years later she still looks like she dresses from a closet shaped like a concrete mixer full of Salvation Army clothing that shoots out random pieces she assembles into a

If these girls are already in a dance troupe it means they have a costume maker on call. I will venture to say that the simple tube dresses pictured barely cost 10-20% of what the retail value would be.