
I understand your problem. Though you may be focusing to much on why you might be/feel outcast. I always suggest taking up a social activity or joining a club to make it more casual to meet people who might be compatible. I also do not care to date much, I get my lovers and friends from months of casually chatting and

YES!! Though now I realize that by financial firm standards, I should have written the words 'small' because I meant by employee count and not fund size.. Anyhoo...

Why are people surprised to learn that a major component/benefit of going into business for guys is getting laid more... That is also the perceived advantage of going into politics or attaining any position of power. Women do not go into business to get laid more yet we are not taken as seriously as men. Highly funded

I work in a male-dominated field and I have to look at and work with so many guys I don't want to fuck... It's called being professional. I would say that a very large portion of the people I work with (mostly 21-24) have zero ability to work with women because they only have porn as a reference about women and

''In fact, if you want to understand more about women, try just being friends with some of them. Seriously. You can learn a lot.'' Best advice I've read in a long time.

The fact that my spouse is an autistic vampire (no he doesn't suck the life out of me, on the contrary he has saved my life) but he sleeps all day long and can only exist when the sun has set. When we met he was living on his inheritance so I never took the time to consider what it would be like to live with someone

When I was 20, the internets hadn't happened yet but I was active on the phone lines and in the small ads and I was annoyed at all of these married men who troll for young women. These guys are attention seeking immature impulsive jerks, and they defraud young women out of their time, affection and attention (young

Here here. Never have I had to refuse a lover but for the ones who were rather large. Anything more than 6 inches will be an annoyance in most positions. Guys who are 4-5 tend to be down on their size (like they have a fucking clue what a dick looks like in the real world) but they are wayyyy more 'useful' and that's

They aren't even remotely related. There is a small advantage to men who have smaller penises (by that I mean the amount of flaccid skin is lesser) because as you age, it becomes really hard to maintain a sturdy erection if the subject has a large penis when flaccid (more cavity to fill). So I guess your husband has

Being picky is fine it's just that a lot of people who say they are picky are actually focusing on traits that have nothing to do with the likelihood of the person being a great match :)

I don't have physical traits in my 'standards' because things people cannot really control are ineffective differenciators.

I want a

I love Vine but it's been like this since the beginning. And now that people can revine other's content, I can no longer avoid such videos of guys being total utter douchebags and assholes. I am really astonished that the definition of masculinity includes representing yourself as a total dick publicly. Even though

I find it unfair that I have to see Weiner's junk ALL THE FUCKING TIME on every media (as new, gossip or joke) when the guy hasn't sent one to me personally!!

But you are right that it must be awful for his wife to have to read all of his asinine conversations with other women because they are on the internet.


I am not monogamous so the whole sexting thing doesn't bother me per say, it's the fact that Weiner is so incredibly hapless in how he uses social media to conduct his attention seeking. I once dated a person who had a high profile for a few years and his habitual misuse of dating sites was getting him a very bad

Cliff note of this article: Never. (And my personal opinion as well :) )

Songdeguerra, that is the best tactic. The problem is that there is no justification for sexist bullshit, it's just morons repeating stupidities they heard to fill time and get attention... If all of us women ask technical and academic follow-up questions to all the bullshit morons bring up it will make that behavior

People like this destroy community group type organizations all the time. Everyone in your community group should be invested in preventing people like that from endangering the ability of everyone to work in an environment free of damaging emotional trauma... Because in your group you can be sure that statistically

Men are fetishists so in order to get attention you can play up a certain part of your body and that's what guys will mostly see... I have my breasts reduced from size GG to D (right after I had my daughter) because every moment of every day was all about how awesome my boobs were and that's an annoying way to go

Indigo, I am 42 so we just might be in the same age range. All of my recent partners (full-time bf and lovers) are people I have gotten to know over time. I almost always approach men with a friendly/things-in-common reason so we have something non-threatening to do while I can see if they are crazy/stable or not

I self-describe myself this way as well and I have a waiting list... I would really like for people to realize that the vast majority of men choose partners based on chemistry and personality and that the 'fat' and 'ugly' chicks have plenty of guys to fuck. I find being ordinary looking and pudgy to be an *instant

I keep a 'dirty pile' (stuff that contains more bacterias such as kitchen and hand towels and even underwear) and wash those separately with hot water and bleach. This also cleans out the washer and dryer a few times a week. Also buy medium colored sheets (not black, not white) because they look better longer :) Got