
Scored some brand new vintage Gloria Vanderbuilt mom jeans at the thrift store and I LOOOOVE them. Plus if you wear jeans that sit atop the muffin errr top, they can't fall down when you run for the bus!

Women over 35 being **deluged** by messages from young twenty-something guys is the default purpose of ALL social media sites or services...

I think that people are incredibly enamored with somewhat intelligent agents that provide social-like connection and feedback like their cellphone and they will be just as obsessed with humanlike androids but still... not sexy :)

What I loved about the movie Lars and The Real Girl was how it explained rather well the therapeutic use of a fake girlfriend. Including how the action figure obsessed co-workers made fun of Lars, who was essentially disconnected to others in the same way they were. Real Dolls are quite fascinating for me as a robot

I too see the parallel and to those who say how sexism and misogyny is not applied with actual stones in the US, take a moment to consider how the United States is an incredibly rich country where the narrow corridor is policed by people who have myriads of sophisticated ways to throw metaphorical stones at women.

Is there a more impersonal setting than an airplane? In a world of assault denying and victim blaming, the best option is to gather personal support BEFORE going to the authorities. How long does it take? The number of answers to that question is as wide as the number of ways that men have decided it's okay to invade

I do not believe that it is all in the visuals, but women in porn are branded as 'teens'. The age group of teens is sexualized through keywords like girl, teens and young in titles of porn and websites. I have a site that talks about sex and a great majority of people finding are keying in teen sex in Google. It's

I used to look down on men who date younger women and ten I got old and started being the 'oh wow a milf' promised to young men by movies like American Pie and what I suspect is a million porn sites on the internet... Men are now EXTREMELY conditioned to value teens as sexual partners because of the constant

Nobody, famous or not, has ever cared about anything I have ever published on the Internet (and it's preceding incarnation) in over twenty years :) I feel blessed now... And fucking old because I have no idea who all theses celebrities/twitlebities you are name dropping are!

Underwhelming but if it starts a trend... People who randomly pollute other people's lives with their hate/anger issues rarely go challenged. If the microsecond of self-satisfaction turns into even 15 seconds of being told off or schooled (by recipient or bystander) then the behavior will become much less satisfying

Men seem to be so incredibly obsessed with transsexual women even though, statistically, they are very unlikely to run into one let alone attract one (because their immature and insecure feelings about their own sexuality and their misunderstanding of gender is usually very obvious and unattractive.)

What is a blazé Rich Kid of Instagram to do with those cubs once they have grown to a cumbersome size? I mean one lion used to be de rigueur but, in this age of mobile photo based one-upmanship, only a whole box of lions will do. http://richkidsofinstagram.tumblr.com/post/37269059257/siberian-tiger-pets

Agreed, this has to be the most tired fake narrative in tabloid history. This whole thing is a massive billboard telling us how stupid the secondary media thinks people (well, women mostly) are.

I was worried that I didn't have the right set of business casual clothing to attend a Digital Media event in NYC last week but I was worried for nothing... Other than those ever present black suburbans with license plates like Fortune5 and all, people are pleasantly hipsterish :) A head hunter told me that next time,

Try Life, Inc. it's quite an interesting read and then reveals our entire existence in the consumer society as futile and empty :P I have my daughter reading 'Nickle and Dimed' right now so she can give me a complete report! If you look up my twitter you will may see from my bio that I do not have to envy anyone for

I have pictures of me as a kid in mechanical 'baby confinement systems' like the baby prison (crib with bars), the corded off house areas with heavy plywood and, my favorite, the baby leash attached to the clothes line. I wonder why I am still alive but the baby cage looks safer to me!

Advertizing cultivates envy and that has to be the most annoying thing to feel! One of the best investment I've made is letting go of that :) When I look at Rich Kids of Instagram I see how conform their lives are (they have the same collection of the same stuff to be taken seriously in their particular class group)

On the topic of the difficulty in assessing actual data or the minimal rate of report as opposed to the actual amount of rapes, assaults and sexual injuries experienced by young women...

I grew up middle class with parents poor of mind. Now I am poor of money but it's fine really because I get my silence and really really cold water and sex and time to spend with my family. But I think it's avoiding advertizing, so-called aspirational media and lifestyle competitors that makes me feel like my life is