Evan Waters

I mean, he wrote and shot all that stuff with the exception of the stiff prologue. Can’t blame him for not wanting to put his name on a version of it rushed together for TV that didn’t bother to do the Fremen eyes. I’d love to see what he’d do with the footage after a year spend obsessing over the ambient soundtrack.

“Please, my father was J, just call me Ray"

I’ve spent far too much of my adult life in hospitals, and I’m sorry but I’d rather pass away quietly than suffer through a few Rob Schneider sets.

Frankly, I would’ve thought being Rob Schneider would be enough to legally keep him from ever going within 500 ft of an audience again.

Slay the Spire has been out for years. Of course people have it down to a science (and there are still unwinnable seeds).

Balatro has taken over my life. For some reason I have decided to 100% it and am slowly going insane in the process. 10/10, best game of 2024.

basically spend the whole time fighting over Lane.

Tonight is What it Means to be Young is actually so awesome that it literally saved the entire movie. The studio execs were very underwhelmed with the footage they were seeing and were on the verge of scrapping the whole thing, but then Steinman delivered that song and they loved it so much that they let the movie be

You should cover more games here , Kotaku is sadly a zombie site thanks to the fuckwits in charge there (and I feel genuinely sorry for the writers forced to write another ‘guide’ rather than a proper article).


I thought he meant The Black Keys were on a Tinder date and maybe that’s why the show was so unimpressive.

Now playing

Listen up Minaj. It’s a mirage. This is sabotage.

We still haven’t really had a good sci-fi movie about the more realistic threat AI poses — that it may eliminate or severely downsize many different types of work all at once, without creating new human jobs in sufficient numbers to replace them. Previous technological advances have made some labor obsolete but also

Fuckin’ RIGHT? It’s up there with Mulder and Scully. 

Root & Shaw is my favorite, so glad to see that on the list.

Jenny is a Star Wars nerd, a theme park nerd, and a theater nerd. She spent $6000 to go to this thing, and spent quite a bit of time defending things other naysayers have complained about.

The thing is, they don’t really cater to upper class either. The current Disney fast-pass system requires you to basically get up at 6 AM to buy it for the day, and then spend the whole day on your phone scheduling things so that you can truck back and forth across the parks to stand in somewhat shorter lines than the

I think the dumbest part of the project is that all they had to do was make it a VIP Galaxy’s Edge experience and transition the bulk of gamified and story elements into the park. It’s not like the hotel had a lot of “window” screens that made the illusion they were travelling in deep space all that convincing. They

The video is well worth it and held my fascination throughout. The 4+-hour length really makes you feel like you’ve slogged through this overpriced, half-baked “immersive experience” as well.